My Blog

7-11 is a Grand Birthday!

Today is a good day for a birthday! Today we celebrate the house boss of Windsor Castle, and I have no doubt it is festive in furbrat hall and in the residence of Her Royal Highness Ruby the pig and constort Rohan.

This is, what I like to consider, a bonus birthday, for it was only gifted to me 3 years ago, and it is one that I will always remember. Today we celebrate!

You may recognize the House Boss (HB) by the “Lilyisms” we enjoy from time to time, or maybe the boss of Dwwindsor, so in essence, we also celebrate him, because without him we would not have her.

Please join me in wishing the HB of Windsor Castle a very happy birthday! No matter where you find yourself today, no matter what you choose to do with this anniversary of your birthday, I wish you nothing but the best of days. I hope the weather is as beautiful as you had hoped, and if that is gloomy clouds with rainstorms, then I wish for the storm of storms!

Happy birthday to the lady of Windsor.

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