My Blog

Checking in With You

I have been unsuccessful at creating an aspiring title for this post, so the title says exactly what I am thinking… kind of. Truthfully, I’ve been uninspired for posts as of late, most likely due to the chaotic nature of my time off of cam, but nonetheless, the blog has been dismal and I hope to change that soon. Although that is a promise I have made in the past and then I slip after a couple weeks. Maybe that can be a goal of the new year; not a new year’s resolution because I swore those off many moons ago, but to have goals is healthy (much like having a list, if you ask me).

I have spent much of my time off of cam on the new site. I’ve had a vision for awhile, and though it is an amateur porn site, I have thought for a long time now that there is more to it than that. It’s a place of connections and long lasting friendships and for that, I am truly thankful for. But even more so, I want the site to have everything you might be looking for, such as VOD (Video on Demand); you no longer need a monthly subscription. You can pick and choose which videos you would like to add to your collection. I will always have clip stores because to close them now would be asinine, but my hope is that the VOD Shop will be easier for you to use.

Along with the VOD Shop, I’ve also been fine tuning a few things within the site. Some noticed that the portal to enter my cam room was constantly in progress, making a few nights frustrating for chats. I appreciate everyone’s patience while I moved a few things around and fixed the issue, that no doubt was caused by me. At any rate, it’s working as it should and the changes are completed.

I have also added a “Custom Video” Button to the home page, which will expand my reach a little more to those that assume it’s not something I offer, if it is not on the site. You will still need to email me, to discuss options and details and I do respond as soon as possible- usually within 24 hours but most times sooner.

Lastly, some have noticed the Monday releases in conjunction with the new updates still being added on Friday. I have been online since April 2006 and have almost all of the content saved. Some have been lost along the way, while others had to be pulled due to my divorce. It is what it is, but all in all I have roughly 15 years of archives. The new site started off with content through 2018 and I am actively adding archived sets on Monday’s. Originally I had planned to slip them into the site, unannounced to you, but after some consideration I thought it would be fun to post it to the home page for those of you that might not have realized how much content is available. In December I am going to have daily posts as a special for the holidays. It is going to be a fun packed month of both archival content and new releases.

I realize this is a long post, probably more fitting for a newsletter, but not everyone has signed up and this will get a larger audience for those that still check my blog… thank you, one and all, I appreciate you more than you might know.

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