My Blog

In the Rear View Mirror

The past is an amazing thing, really. If you think about it, it’s much like looking back in the rear view mirror. That time is gone and what is in this moment right now, will soon be gone. I used to live in the past a lot, not really enjoying the now. I would like to say that living my life online has helped me to relish what is right now, but also appreciate the yesterday’s more than I once did.

So, that brings me to this post. Last year was one of amazing leaps and bounds, taking the site off of a network based platform and going independent. It has proven to be a lot of extra work because I’m adding all of the archived content, which means sorting, uploading and cataloging each set within the dashboard and then adding thumbnails and whatnot to the public pages. It’s been a process. In doing this, I have let the blog slip, and that has not been my intention, but something has to be moved to the side and that seems a bit less important than getting the new site where I feel it should be.

Last year, not only did I put more effort into the site, but also into cam. I found myself spending a lot more time online than in recent years because we did not have to spend days/weeks in Salt Lake City. All in all, very good news! I am a schedule oriented person and I am much more productive when I have little to no interruptions. That’s not to say I feel SLC was an interruption, by any means, but it kept me away from a set schedule, which meant the short weeks on cam were not as motivated as other times… so anyway, no interruptions in 2021 for the win! (I’m doing a celebratory dance right now, you should join me. Ha!)

Now that 2021 is in the rear view mirror, here’s looking ahead to 2022!


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