My Blog

So Many Thanks to be Given

As part of your monthly subscription, you have full access to the entire VNALive network of cam shows. You’ll find well known names, online personalities and amateur porn ladies on the schedule weekly. In order for you to be given access, I must complete 4 hours a month, which I maintain by hosting the 11pm EST hour every Monday.

VNALive is coming up on 10 years and I’ve been on their schedule for around 9, going off of memory. Truthfully, everything runs together after some time, but I know I signed up with them in their infancy. In those years, I’ve always had a Monday night slot because that’s what works for most of you that join me, and it’s a great way to jumpstart the week. I have never cancelled a show, even when I’ve been sick, but occasionally I have had to reschedule but even that has been rare.

The network rewards the top 3 ladies each month, and you all keep me in the top more than not. I cannot express how much gratitude I have in knowing that those of you that are “mine” are loyal to the core. Some of you pop in to say hi and stick around for a few, before voting and going on your way, others stay for the hour and one of you even wakes up early for your night shift, to place your vote in the last 5 minutes of the hour. I am not sure how I gained the most dedicated, loyal group of people, but I will never take you guys for granted. Thank you.

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