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What Are You Currently Reading?

I’m curious, what are you currently reading?

I’m always interested in new subjects, but don’t always make time to read anything out of my usual genre of WWII. I’ve got a stack of books still waiting to be read, and all of them are regarding the world war. Some are written by soldiers, while others are by war historians. I find that, while I do enjoy the perspective of those that lived through it, reading books by writers are sometimes easier to follow. However, I’ve started reading more autobiographies than those written by someone that has extensively studied the subject and become somewhat of an expert.

Last month I decided to read some fiction books just to give my brain a rest and ended up choosing 2 books that were historical fiction, based on world war two. They were fascinating reads and gave me something to actually pursue in online searches for the truth of the main subject of each book. Although they were good and kept me turning the page for more, neither of the books gave me a hunger for more.

One of my friends has been talking about the Reacher series on Netflix and I’ve read a couple books about Reacher, I decided to start from book one. The same friend informed me that they don’t follow each other so there is no real chronological order of them, however, I have the list saved on my computer and now I cannot possibly go out of order. That would deeply disturb me. lol. So, for our trip to Tucson, I plan to read Killing Floor and Die Trying and then I’ll move on to the next one until I’m finished with them all.

Granted, unless we are traveling, I don’t usually make time to read, but I’m going to try to get back into it more regularly. My problem is the schedule I keep and when I sign off cam at 1030p, I usually wash my face, read up on the news and go to sleep.. so maybe skip the news and spend 30 minutes reading a book instead.


  • Cowboybubba

    I’m currently not reading anything. I recently reread The Hobbit. But, this is not why I responded.
    I used to work with a fellow HEB partner. His father was a daily customer at our store. He was always coming in to purchase something for his daughter. She had obsessive compulsive disorder to the point that she could not used anything that was opened. (Milk, butter, juice. Etc…) Often, when he shopped, he would stop and chat with me. We struck up a friendship of sorts. One morning as I was leaving he was walking in. He looked tired and I asked if he wanted a coffee. We went in and I bought him a coffee and we sat and talked. He told me he was having nightmares again. He then began to tell me of his experience at the battle of the bulge. I had a basic knowledge of the battle from my history classes. Mr.Bittner told me things that were absolutely horrible. Things that no person should ever have to live through. Now I knew why my uncles never talked about the war. We had sat there for two hours and when we parted ways he shook my hand and thanked me for “listening to an old man ramble on.”
    Never underestimate the frail old man. You may not know what his past has been.

    • Angel

      So true, Bubba. I grew up knowing a WWII vet, which is why I have always been obsessed with that era. If you just let them talk, you hear more than what they are actually telling you.

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