My Blog

A Reminder . . .

I will be in Myrtle Beach this week, returning home on Monday, the 23rd, but my site will update as it always does. Monday – Wednesday – Saturday will have archived sets added and Friday will be a brand new video.

For those of you that are new to my site, I did a complete overhaul and built a brand new webpage in September of last year, which means I am slowly adding 16 years of content back into the fold. With that said, there are still plenty of current and archivals to enjoy today. I add 3 archives and 1 new set each week. Without fail.

I won’t be on cam this week, and have already made up tonight’s VNA hour and rescheduled next week’s for Tuesday, instead of the usual Monday plan. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you enough you’ll be ready for Tuesday to come and go. LOL.

May 16th VNA : rescheduled to Saturday, May 14th (hope you were able to make it, if not, I’m sorry!)

May 23rd VNA : rescheduled to Tuesday, May 24th (hope to see you there!)

Follow me on Twitter: @NakedTXAngel –> I stay active, even when I’m not on cam! I will also let you know how to stay up with me, with daily teasers, and possibly videos, throughout the week.

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