My Blog

Monday, Monday

I know I am not alone in thinking that Monday is a struggle; it doesn’t matter what your work schedule is, it’s still Monday and it’s a drag. Take my week, for example, I have a split schedule with Sunday and Wednesday as my days off, and still I am not always a fan of Monday. It’s tough adulting. lol.

No matter how I feel in the beginning of the day, I always look forward to Monday evenings with members on the VNALive network!

If you are new to my site, you may have seen the Cam Page, with two different links, one being the VNA button. This gives you full access to the schedule of all shows on the VNALive network, not just mine. I maintain a consistent schedule and am almost always on at 11p EST each Monday. In the rare event I am not able to keep my commitment, I never cancel, I will reschedule for another night that works better…

I hope to see you there, and if you do join, please feel free to contribute to the chatter- it’s a great group of people who are always welcoming to the newbies…

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