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Happy Holidays to Your Merry Christmas!

Welp, here we are, once again; it’s the holidays. For some, it is the best time of year, but for others it is a struggle. While I am not in agreement that it is the best time of year, I no longer hate it as I once did.

Progress. Healing. Self Worth. Call it what you will. December is a much easier time for me than it once was and for that I am grateful for.

A close friend enlightened me earlier in the week that for her, it’s a time of giving and seeing people do good for others, and yes, the christmas lights and all of the traditions. That resonated with me.

Locally I’ve seen a lot of good be done. Just this week, a mom asked for wrapping paper, not much, just enough to wrap what little she was able to get for her kids. She’ll have plenty for years to come, with all the people that responded. Last night (essentially the day before Christmas), a 19 y.o brother arrived home for the holidays to find that his younger siblings had no gifts. He turned to the community FB page and asked for help. Not with toys, but with clothes. Essentials to stay warm in this frigid part of the states. In the first 30 minutes, he had over 20 replies from people that will be shopping for last minute items for their families and they have added his to their lists. That is some amazing holiday spirit, and love. I am here for it.

While I don’t believe in the traditional sentiments of December 25th, I do respects those of you that do. Granted, I have not always, but with age comes growth and wisdom, I suppose.

Regardless of what you believe, or what your plans are, I wish you a very happy holiday. If tomorrow is a day of self-care and you choose to not partake in the crazy chaos that is Christmas, good on you. You do you, and you make it a good day. Tomorrow is not what everyone says it should be, it is what you make it.

Happy Holidays to your Merry Christmas, friends.

Festive blue balls, Christmas decorations on bokeh background.

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