My Blog

A Busy Month Ahead

It seems like our November-January was quiet and spent at home, but that’s coming to an end this next week.

I’ll be on cam tonight (Saturday) and on for my usual shifts Monday and Tuesday. Off the rest of the week for a business trip with MtnMan. We return home Monday evening (the 6th), just in time for the VNA hour. When I say just in time, I mean 30 minutes prior, as long as there are no delays. With that said, there is a very small chance that I will have to do a last minute reschedule but I promise to make it up to you!

We are home for 4 days, leaving for Florida Saturday, the 11th, and will be gone through Monday, the 20th. While I’m in Florida, I will be doing the VNA hour on the 13th and will be home in time for the next one (20th). All in all, I think our schedule will work out and I won’t have any reschedules for VNA, but want to let you know there’s always a slight chance for travel delays.

The remainder of the month will be spent at home but is already chalked full with appointments and whatnot. One of which is a new internet provider that should be the end all to isp woes, but time will tell.

The beginning of March may or may not be consumed with a handyman at the house cutting out old grout and replacing it with a much better material. He’s wishy washy on dates, so who the fuck knows on that. lol.

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