My Blog

Abby the Golden, Growing Up.

Abby has always run to the mud puddles, diving in head first into creeks and ponds, living her best life possible!

When it is snowing, she’s outside enjoying a tumble, a dive and a backstroke over and through drifts. It’s a sight to witness, because there is nothing like her living her best life possible.

Rainstorms never bother her. NOPE. She’ll sit in the middle of her yard, face upwards towards the sky, rain drenching her golden locks, while she lives her best life possible.

She’s a mess to clean up, but we’ve created a good routine when she comes in, she stops inside the door so that I can towel her off, kissing her face as I remind her she’s a dirty girl but I love her all the same. She grunts.

Alas, my girl is growing up. It’s bittersweet, I will admit, but also it’s kind of nice.

We’ve been enjoying thundering rainstorms for the last few days, and she has insisted on being outside for all of them.

At first I hesitated but then decided to let her live her best life possible, realizing I’d be cleaning mud off of her for days.

However, she has stayed under our covered front stoop for each storm. Sometimes she sits at the edge of the cover, surveying her yard, and at other times she’s curled up taking a nap, or spread out as she listens to the storm hitting the house.

Abby the golden has grown up.

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