My Blog

Progress Faulting More Progress

I joined the “Nextoor Neighborhood” site last year. It’s out of character for me, but I kept getting post cards in my mailbox every other day, and that annoys me more than giving up a little bit of my privacy. I joined with my name, address and the year I first moved here, which was 1977. I never log into the site, but I have stopped getting post cards. Success! I do get an email when an “urgent” message is posted, though. Currently the neighborhood is concerned about progress near our area. First of all, I have been aware of it for months now, but they just saw the sign “Notice to Subdivide” on what used to be an old ranch. A couple weeks ago they were freaking out because they thought it was going to be a subdivision and wanted to know where they were going to get water from. Would it be several wells to support several houses, one well for 4 blocks, rainwater? What? All of a sudden they’re concerned about our water supply. Something they weren’t concerned with when they started moving out to my area ten years ago. From the 60’s all the way up to around 2000, there were between 10-20 families and now there are over 200 in my subdivision alone… that doesn’t include the new neighborhoods that have popped up along the 2 lane road leading to our area… Anyway, the neighbors are concerned that this new building site is going to effect them. Seriously? They didn’t care about that ten years ago… I thought it was going to be hotels, but it turns out it will be a concrete plant, with a lot of traffic, noise, dust, ect. Thankfully my neighbors are requesting a town meeting and going to contact adjoining neighborhoods and even the school distract, to fight them. I’m skeptical because I don’t know what good that will do, but I support the fight. On one hand I’ve finally accepted the change and given in to progress from all the urban fucks wanting to raise their kids in the country, but on the other hand I hate to see a concrete plant 1/2 a mile from my road. It’s frustrating that the neighbors don’t realize they’re part of the problem. They moved out here when we were already having water concerns, but they tapped into our aquifer without any thought of the consequences a few years down the road.. and if it weren’t for them moving out, and their extended families and friends following them, there probably wouldn’t be a fucking concrete plant moving into the area.

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