My Blog

And, Cancelled.

Well, my Texas trip was cancelled at the last minute, which was not a total shock, but has changed my plans for next week. I have decided to still take this weekend and spend it offline. I need a break and it will do me some good to get out of the house. I might even  make it to a few antique shops this afternoon, I have not decided yet. 

I will be online Monday and we will have our normal schedule, with the exception of the VNA show. I was going to move it back to the original time slot, but I have tweeted and blogged the change, and don’t think it is good practice to keep changing it on you guys. So, no VNA Monday night, but everything else will be the same…

The rescheduled VNA show will be next Sunday, April 8th at 11p EST 

I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend and I look forward to catching up with you soon.

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