Voting and Stuff
I am constantly reminded of the community that has been built around my site; it is truly amazing. It is something I had never imagined when I opened my amateur porn site almost 17 years ago. Monday nights are spent with members on the VNALive network (FREE access available with your membership), with titillating chats, catching up, a lot of laughs and some orgasmic fun. We once had an admin, DrDave, who was the best of the best. He encouraged voting, listed my site periodically throughout (for those that has FREE access via another website) and kept the rift rafts in check. Although, truthfully I have rarely had any issues…
A Box of Surprises!
I have a couple of guys to thank today. First, Nicster: Thank you for always thinking of me at birthday’s, during holidays and throughout the year. I appreciate you! Your gift card was used for a couple tops for cam and, of course, socks. Socks were the first on the list! My second shout out goes to Bobo. You surprised me with a box full of stuff for the whole family! Jaffa Donuts, which both MtnMan and I enjoy, socks and a bag of treats for my girl! She loves them, by the way. Now everytime she hears a bag, she’s convinced it’s Bobo intervening through the universe to give…
A Winter Wonderland
It’s been a beautiful winter in my area of the states. We’ve had several snowstorms, dropping anywhere from 3-15 inches each time, giving us a decent amount of snow. With this being our primary source for moisture, this is good for us. It’s cold. But it’s much needed and it’s beautiful. Along with the snowstorms, we’ve had a lot of pogonip. Pogonip [ pog–uh-nip ] noun. an ice fog that forms in the mountain valleys of the western U.S. It is a beautiful sight to look out and see the countryside with frozen fog particles, from trees, to fence lines and everything else, not buried under snow. We are expecting…
December: Daily Uploads
In September of 2021, I chose to step away from a network based platform and become independent. In doing so, I had to start over, building a site that would be easy to navigate, while also keeping it fresh. When the new site went LIVE, I had 2 years of content uploaded, with archives being added 3 times a week. This turned out to be a great strategy because a lot of the old content became buried and forgotten. Now, it’s front and center, refreshing memories and giving a perspective of time. Close to 17 years of time, to be exact. It’s crazy to think about, but this online world…
A Birthday Discovery
You know how much I love other people’s birthdays, right? I celebrate yours, his, hers and everyone in between. I very happily boast those that I’ve never met before, but whose significant other gave me permission to acknowledge. In which case, I have shouted “Happy Birthday!” to the world wide web, all for someone I have never had the honor of meeting. I have also made some birthday’s my own. By that, I mean, those that HATE their anniversary of their birthday, I have commandeered as mine to celebrate. And then there are those that I have exploited with hosting a huge January party that became an annual shindig for…
My favorite day of the year is Thanksgiving; it’s one that was very special when I was growing up. It was never the same, from year to year. It had many changes over the years. In the beginning it was Mom and Granny, in the kitchen baking and cooking up a storm. I didn’t realize how much work it was, until I was much, much older, but they did it with so much passion and excitement. Of course, I was a kid, and the weeks of planning and grocery shopping, all for one meal, might have seemed exciting to me, but not so much to them. But, alas, it’s my…
Big Red – It Wets the Whistle
I have never been a soda pop drinker. It’s the carbonation; I don’t like it. I’ve tried Dr. Pepper, Coke, Pepsi (blech!), Sprite, 7Up, MtnDew and a few others. It doesn’t matter the flavor, I don’t like it. However, I’ve always enjoyed a Big Red, which is available only in the Lone Star State; it’s a Texas “thing”, much like Blue Bell Ice Cream. Anyway, once I moved to Nevada Big Red was no longer an option, but it didn’t much bother me. Like I said, I’m not a soda pop finatic. When I was in Texas last month, I was at my favorite BBQ joint and in the cooler…
Here’s Wishing You the Best of Birthdays!
Outlaw: You’re my longest running member, and yes, I do mention that often because it’s pretty damn amazing. We have celebrated many anniversaries over the years, but yours is one of my favorites! YOU are the reason to celebrate today and my biggest wish for you is that you know how special you are to me and to the community. Thank you for allowing us the pleasure of celebrating today. Go out and eat cake, enjoy a good cigar and enjoy your day! Here is wishing you the happiest of days!
Happy Birthday to the Luckiest Survivor of Hair Brained Ideas Concerning Fireworks and Large Machines!
Can you guess who’s celebrating another anniversary of his birthday? If you’ve spent time with me on VNALive, then you’ve probably guess HotNFriskie. Although he’s been absent for some time, he’s still around and we keep in touch from time to time. I’ll admit, I’ve become the worst at staying in touch but still keep tabs on those that have somewhat disappeared from the LIVE world that has connected us all. Please join me in wishing Friskie a very happy birthday! He’s a walking danger to himself, yet always walks away mostly unscathed and for that, I am very thankful for. Friskie- you are missed, but glad you’re doing well…
October in the Rear View Mirror
Oh goodness, October was a cluster fuck of travel and visiting family, but what an amazing month it was! I started the month off by visiting my family in the midwest, and it was an amazing visit. My second trip to see them this year and I plan on making a habit to visit them at least once a year. I haven’t always been close to family, but as I’ve gotten older and found happiness in life, I realize it’s time.. so, it’s up to me to make certain I stay connected and have no regrets. I was home for 4 days, which was long enough to give Abby hugs,…