My Blog

Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings

  • My Blog

    Abby and Her Reactions

    MtnMan used to send her into my cam room when he was home. She thought it was a game. He’d send her my way, she’d poke her head out, he’d tell her “get on your bed” and she’d jump across the room and lay down like she’d been there the whole time. Once she was sure he was no longer standing outside the room, she’d creep to the door and watch for him, if he moved she’d leap across the room back on her bed. This went on for months. When it’s just her and I, she spends part of her time in the cam room with me and the…

  • My Blog

    Thank You for Being Amazing

    I have so many reasons to be grateful, and to say “thank you”. Over the holidays I had emails, text messages, tweets and cam viewers sent me well wishes and good vibes. A few emails were from people that I hadn’t heard from in a few years, and others were from the same people that stay connected and in touch. I appreciate that each one has taken the time to send a message, whether it took 30 seconds or 5 minutes, thank you! Along with all of the happy thoughts and good vibes, I also received a couple of holiday cards in the mail. I feel that has been lost…

  • My Blog

    In the Rear View Mirror

    The past is an amazing thing, really. If you think about it, it’s much like looking back in the rear view mirror. That time is gone and what is in this moment right now, will soon be gone. I used to live in the past a lot, not really enjoying the now. I would like to say that living my life online has helped me to relish what is right now, but also appreciate the yesterday’s more than I once did. So, that brings me to this post. Last year was one of amazing leaps and bounds, taking the site off of a network based platform and going independent. It…

  • My Blog

    Happy Holidays

    I’ve been trying to get in the mood to post for days now, but eh, December. It’s tough. I believe it’s a stressful time even for those of us that don’t really celebrate it. It’s, well, it’s the holidays and there is just way too many activities that keep us all busy. Company parties, shopping, being merry, keeping it cam-room-festive. It’s just blah. Ugh. Okay, so that wasn’t at all what I intended to share with you, so allow me to start anew. Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas to those of you that believe. Christmas was a trying time in my house growing up. It wasn’t miserable, by any…

  • My Blog


    I send out 1-2 newsletters each month, never spamming your inbox, begging you to join, tip or whatever. My bulletin simply gives you updates on site news and sometimes sales that I periodically offer on any one of the platforms that I use, such as clip stores, fan sites and here on LSA. The bulletin that was sent out earlier this week was to announce that December will have daily updates added- that’s 31 days of content! Yes, it will be mostly archived material, but for many it will be “new to you” stuff, and for those that have been a member since the beginning, some will have been forgotten…

  • My Blog

    My Favorite Day of the Year

    Today. Thanksgiving. It is my favorite day of the year! I cannot explain how much I truly enjoy today for everything that it is and for what it signifies. I am not sure when I developed a love of Thanksgiving, but I do believe it stems from the planning and prep that I saw Mom and Granny put into the days leading up to the big feast. We were not a big family in Texas because my parents and older brothers were from Ohio, but it was the connection and the excitement I had of the food being prepared. When I was old enough, I was tasked with making the…

  • My Blog

    Giving Thanks

    The last 4 years have given me a new perspective on simple things, such as watching sunrises and enjoying the setting sun over the mountains. It has also given me a fresh outlook into what is truly important. It’s not wishing for the next day off (which I am still guilty of doing) or the next big life event, it’s enjoying the day for what it has to offer, and ultimately the successes it holds. I am thankful to have realized in my early to mid thirties that I needed a change and that at 39 I chose to follow through with what I knew would be the best decision…

  • My Blog

    Sunrise in the Mountains

    We are choosing to change up our usual Thanksgiving day plans by spending 4 days in the mountains. Normally we spend it lounging around, visiting with family and then, of course, feasting on a lot of food. This year, however, we will watch the sunrise over the mountains and enjoy the days in the cooler temps, hiking and taking Abby across creeks and on bird hunts. She is quite the retriever and if she can get muddy wet in the process that’s even better. She’d tell you just that if you were to ask her and if she were able to verbally respond. The smile on her face tells me…

  • My Blog

    Another Anniversary to Celebrate!

    Oh, I do love me some birthday’s, preferably someone else’s. Today we celebrate my longest running member, @Outlawjj2000 (if you are on Twitter, send him a shout out for me, if you please), and he is a good one to recognize. Looking back over the years of blog posts that have been an ode to Outlaw, I found this, which I feel is worth another share. I have watched you go from a home body to our social butterfly with a full weekend calendar. I love your singles mixer events and cigar socials and I always want to hear the details, although, I am certain you hold back sometimes; which…

  • My Blog

    November Feels

    It is widely known that November is my absolute favorite month; there is no comparison. It brings cooler temps, gloomy weather, and the changing of colors before they quickly fade into the earth. It’s a cycle and this gives way to the rebirth that will come in the spring months, but for now we enjoy the end of the blooming series and look towards winter days. It’s a time when I wish our days would slow down and give us a chance to truly appreciate what we have because soon it will be December and then a new year. You may think that my love for November is all about…