My Blog

Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings

  • My Blog

    All About You

    Yesterday I posted details on what’s new and what’s been going on with me, and today I’d like to hear from you. In the event you are drawing a blank, or you just simply don’t chat much, allow me to give you some topics for you to choose from. lol. What is new with you? A new job, a car, moving, a vacation or a new dog/cat? Maybe you’ve adopted an Elephant from the David Sheldrick Foundation? Which season is your favorite? Do you like Winter because it’s not hot, or maybe the spring because it brings new life? Are you a summer person because you like swimming and all…

  • My Blog

    Checking in With You

    I have been unsuccessful at creating an aspiring title for this post, so the title says exactly what I am thinking… kind of. Truthfully, I’ve been uninspired for posts as of late, most likely due to the chaotic nature of my time off of cam, but nonetheless, the blog has been dismal and I hope to change that soon. Although that is a promise I have made in the past and then I slip after a couple weeks. Maybe that can be a goal of the new year; not a new year’s resolution because I swore those off many moons ago, but to have goals is healthy (much like having…

  • My Blog

    The Meaning of Halloween

    I love this time of year and to say that Halloween makes me happy is an understatement. Halloween means that Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away and that is truly my reason for this post. You probably thought I was going to enlighten you as to the actual origin of Halloween, or all Hallows eve. Or, maybe I was going to mention that this “holiday” was created hundreds of years ago when the Saints would dress up and go door-to-door, thus trick or treating, while wearing costumes in modern day celebrations. Although all good stuff, leads to more good stuff, and ends on Thanksgiving. So yeah, Halloween has all…

  • My Blog

    Where’s the Beef?!?

    Remember the old lady that yelled, “Where’s the beef?” throughout the 80’s? What about “Vern, Vern, Vern”? That guy always made me laugh. Did you ever think about pulling up to a stop light, rolling down your window, while gesturing to the car next to you to do the same, just to say, “Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?”  While I’m walking down this lane of memories, what commercials will you forever remember because of good marketing?

  • My Blog

    The Morning Moon

    We are on our way to Twin Falls, leaving our house at 430a and as we drive over the mountains and through the valleys, the morning moon is following us. It’s a beautiful sight that normally is lost while we sleep. This morning, however, I’m taking it all in, with autumn clouds and skies that are slowly waking up, the moon is shining bright and beautiful. Experiencing the world coming to life is breathtaking and I’m glad that I am awake to witness it. Abby, on the other hand, has been sleeping in between hugs. She did wake up long enough to ride through town with her head out the…

  • My Blog

    My Bonus Birthday

    Today is another birthday, and one that was “given” to me as a gift. Let me explain. Looking back in my blog history, it appears that 2014 was the first year that I took today to celebrate Dwwindsor. Now, let me elaborate on that year. He was somewhat new to our group, and because I have a terrible time keeping track of who joined during which year, I’m going to say he was in between Red and MtnMan, which would put him in the group around late 2011 to early 2012, but really, I could be making that up. Anyway, that is taking away from this post, so let me…

  • My Blog

    Do You Know What Today Is?

    Today is a good day for a birthday! Please join me in wishing Red a happy birthday. He has been such a huge ally, a loyal Monday night voter and a great friend for many years. I am guessing he joined the group around 2011, possibly earlier, and has remained steadfast in his support, no matter his busy life that is nothing short of chaos. I mean, between saving the burning orphanages, his “trap line” and keeping all of their names straight, he still manages to make time for me. Thank you Red, and here is wishing you a wonderfully happy birthday.

  • My Blog

    Candy Corn is a Weakness

    I always buy a bag of candy corn after October 1st. It’s a rule. Never before the month of October… until this year. I don’t know what I was thinking, other than the fact that if I were to wait, I might not find a bag on, or after, October 1st and in a spontaneous fit, I snatched the bag up and threw it in the cart. That was fine and dandy, except I opened the bag as soon as we got home and ate handfuls of them while putting groceries away. In the 3 days since, I have ate 3/4 of the bag and I have already put “Candy…

  • My Blog

    Placemats and Thanksgiving

    A couple months ago we finally bought a new dining table. It’s not that the old one was in disrepair, but it was time to replace it. The table has dark wood on the top and a white base, with six matching chairs. This is all a backstory, leading up to the reason for this thread… While in Montana, we stopped at an old antique shop, that also had a crazy woman boutique place attached to the shop. The husbands words, not mine, plus that was the name of her boutique. I don’t actually know if she is crazy, or not, but probably. Anyway, back to the reason for this…

  • My Blog

    I Saw a Moose!

    On our way to Great Falls, we stopped in a small town for a bathroom and refreshments. It was a bar, that was also the convenience store. They had beer on tap, a soda pop cooler and small bags of chips, and an old man that wondered where we were heading. I, of course, was more than happy to have a conversation with the old stranger. I told him we were going to spend a few days in the Great Falls area and he said we should make the drive up to Glacier National Park and drive the “Going to the Sun Road” and also added that we’d see plenty…