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Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings

  • My Blog

    This Week, A Reminder.

    Alright, this next week is going to be a very short week for us online. I will only be on cam tonight, Monday, and Tuesday mid-afternoon and evening. I am offline the rest of the week, and won’t be on until the following Monday. Our Monday night VNA will still happen, but the Thursday members show won’t. If you are a member of mine, be sure to join me Tuesday night and I will do a few short gold shows (come in via my site, you have FREE access).

  • My Blog

    Our Schedule

    It’s a mix of soccer games, girl’s weekend and stuff, but the next three weeks are going to have changes in our normal schedules. Let’s start with next week: I have a soccer game Thursday night, which means our member show will be moved to Tuesday. And, I have another game Saturday, which isn’t unusual, but it is the last game, so they are having a closing ceremony. The following week is going to be crazy busy for me, but here is what we’ve got. I’m going to Salt Lake City for a girl’s weekend, which will start on that Thursday. So, I will only be online Monday and Tuesday,…

  • My Blog

    Another Month, Another Win

    I stand by what I have always said, I have some of the best members; you guys are so loyal and always take care of me. I placed second on VNA for the month of September, following a first place win for August. You guys have kept me in the top three more times than not this year, and I am forever grateful. Whether you show up for the entire hour, or join only to vote, you all continue to show your support each week. You guys amaze me with your generosity of time and team efforts. Thank you, one and all!

  • My Blog

    Halloween Candy

    I am sure that I have posted this before, but with Halloween being right around the corner, it has me curious. What is your favorite halloween candy? Bubba made a good point last week about not all candy counts as halloween candy. So, if it is available year round, it does not count. For example, Snicker Bars. You can pick one up each time you fill up the car at the gas stations, or when you are in the checkout lane at the grocery store. So, those do not count. For me, it is hands down candy corn. I don’t know if I actually like them, like them, or if…

  • My Blog

    Can I Blame it on Allergies?

    I don’t know where my brain is this morning and I can’t say that it is because it’s a baklava day, but maybe I can blame it on allergies. Let me share my morning with you, and then you decide whether that is a good excuse for my mindless morning… I am making my chicken tortilla soup in the crockpot today. I have known this all week. It takes 6-8 hours, and with ours it is always on the short end of approximate time needed. I prefer to cook it on slow, so that it simmers and the flavors have time to diffuse into each other. I decided to go…

  • My Blog

    The Tale of Many Serpents. ACK!

    Snakes. They are in my top three fears. That is not imaginary fears, they are real. Snakes. There is nothing fake about those evil creatures. They should be extinguished. Forever. For good. Dead. A few weeks ago we were out in the mountains on a hike. MtnMan was the hiker of the bunch. Abby and I stayed closed to the truck. Abby would have loved to go with MtnMan, but I cannot hike up steep elevations just yet. I’m working on that. Anyway, as he walks away from the truck, he says “be careful of snakes, they will be sunning right now because it’s already getting too cold at night…

  • My Blog

    Herbie Got a Bath

    We went into the mountains yesterday, which means Abigail was running around sagebrush, dust and into streams. I did my best to keep her out of the water, but let’s face it, that is a defeating task. There is no keeping that dog out of water, or even clean for that matter. As you can see, he came out of his bath looking a little rough. Granted, some of that is most definitely his dogs doing, but his face needs some repair where his hair thinned out. Let me tell you what happened, in my own words, and whatever you do, do not listen to Abby or pay any attention…

  • My Blog

    To a Dear Bloke in the UK

    It is no secret that I enjoy everyone’s birthday, so it should be no surprise that we have another one to celebrate today. Although, it is dinner time for him, the day is still his to enjoy, so please join me in wishing a very happy birthday to Stephen! Stephen- you are an absolute gem, and I am thankful to know you. I hope that today was everything you hoped it would be and more!

  • My Blog

    Today is a Good Day . . .

    . . . for a birthday! It is true, I absolutely love other people’s birthday, especially the one that is today! Happy, happy birthday to our resident bloviator who has also been known to be the groups favorite lawyer! Dwwindsor, I hope that it has been nothing but wonderful, with shark infested birthday wishes and a cake with candles!

  • My Blog

    Fun in Mexico

    For this week’s bonus set, I share some personal pictures with you that I took during my trip to Mexico. That was almost two years ago now, isn’t that crazy? Our small boutique style resort had a cozy sports bar, and we were the only guests that were enjoying an afternoon beer. I took some quick pictures while one of the employees watched the front door for us.. it was risky and a lot of fun!