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Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings
The Messenger
I’m always amazed at the thoughtfulness and generosity that has been shown to me from my online community. My last PO Box run was to pick up a few packages, and to mail off a big panty order. In one of the packages that was waiting for me was a beautiful messenger bag adorning elephants, which was not on my wishlist. Bubba, you have always been thoughtful and kind, thank you! I have already used it and love it! It is the perfect size to carry with me on over night trips and it will definitely be my go to bag now. It makes me smile each time I see…
January 5, 2007
This is the day that I quit smoking and it was one of the smartest decisions I have ever made. That is not to say that those of you that smoke should quit. I am not one to preach about bad habits that I once had. Hell, both of my parents smoked, and I picked it up late into my 20’s for just a couple of years. So, smart, I am not, but this is a day that I always remember because for me quitting was more than just letting go of a bad habit, and it was not easy, but I am glad to not be a smoker today.
Manatee’s, Roo’s and Elephants Make the World a Better Place
My biggest obsession would be elephants, but I have always had a love of manatee’s and kangaroo’s, as well. Manatee’s are just sweet, adorable and they are the only species that are safer in captivity than any other animal. Kangaroo’s fascinated me as a child because they hop and skip along with not a care in the world. Elephant’s need no explanation here… Last year, for my first Christmas as a single person, Cliff sent me a box of ornaments that he had specifically made for me. Unfortunately, they did not arrive in time to adorn my tree, but this year they played center stage. We had a very simple…
New Year, New Plans
There was a time when a new year always gave me a renewed sense of change and ideas, but I have sense realized that it does not need to be a specific date to make a change. Resolutions are good to be made, but only if it is something that you are ready to fulfill, or else they will be broken shortly after they are set. For me I think that it is healthy to maintain goals and to make them throughout the year, so no New Years Resolutions for me. What about for you?
Scarce Week on Cam
I am taking some time off to give myself a break from cam and with this being the start of the new year, I think this is the perfect week for that. I will be online tomorrow (Monday), Friday and Saturday. You will not find me on Tuesday-Wednesday. Tuesday we are going to take Abby on another day long hike and then Wednesday we are going to drive to Twin Falls and create new content for my site, coming home Thursday. This will be Abby’s first time home alone and I am a little bit worried but also dreading the separation. I know it might sound ridiculous to some, but…
Bring in the New Year with Me!
I will be online during the changing of the year, so if you find yourself alone and wanting some company, you are welcome to join me for a fun chat. To bring in the new year for those in the EST zone, I will be on #VNALive doing my weekly member’s cam show (which starts at 11p EST). I will stay on for 10 minutes past midnight EST so that we can give a proper salute to those who move into 2019, while the rest of us are stuck in transition. You have to be a member of mine ( or one of the VNA ladies to have FREE access…
Mountain Hikes
We take Abigail on hikes a couple times a week, and it has been great exercise for her, and for us. Most of the time Abby and I stay close to the truck while MtnMan hikes up steep mountains and around rock ledges but she loves to run, play in the snow, toss the stick (herself) and chase her tail. By the time we are heading home she is crashed out in the back seat, which is 100% her domain and Duckie is always quick to curl up with her. When we get home our routine is to get her fed, brush her coat and then shower her clean again.…
A Book, A Plethora of Socks and a Negligee
That sounds like a kinky party, and one that I am looking forward to attending! Nicster, thank you for always being generous and thoughtful in your gifts. Your book arrived at a great time because I am in between books and I have been wanting to read “Murder at Fenway Park”. I love fiction based on non-fiction because it is a story that pulls you in and shares history with you at the same time. The socks are a bundle of ankle socks that are more argyles and if you know me at all you know that I am over the moon excited about that! The lingerie is sexy and…
Pogonip [pog-uh-nip]
noun an ice fog that forms in the mountain valleys of the western U.S. I absolutely love nature; it is awe inspiring, to say the least. There is not a weather pattern that does not fascinate me, except for droughts. Living in the northern part of Nevada has provided all kinds of new weather phenomenons, such as pogonip (pog-uh-nip). It is beautiful! A few weeks ago we had temps dip down into the single digits, with a few nights of negative degrees and along with it came a lot of heavy fog.
Herbert C.T. Hogg
Meet Herbert C.T. Hogg. Herbie Hogg. Herb the Hogg. Allow me to tell you the story about Abby’s buddy, Herbert C.T. Hogg. He arrived over a month ago, thanks to a very thoughtful fella (BD), and Abby was not having it. To say she freaked out is an understatement. She ran, hid, growled, jumped a foot high. It was quiet the show and it made us laugh, but was also a bit disheartening that Herbie had that effect on her at first sight. He took up residence on a shelf in the dining room/kitchen area, and when she was not watching we would make him “bark” (or, whatever it is…