My Blog

Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings

  • My Blog

    Thank You, Thank You!

    You guys and gals have always been a generous and very thoughtful bunch. Whether you check on me through the weeks, stop by my cam room to say hi, or send surprises through the mail to my PO Box, I appreciate each one of you.  This is an over due thank you, and I figure it is better late than not at all, so here it goes.  Stephen, you sent a candle for my birthday, for no reason than just because you wanted to let me know you were thinking about me. Thank you! It is a subtle scent and it fills the home beautifully. And, incidentally, I wear your…

  • My Blog

    Memorial Day

    What today means to me: Memorial Day isn’t the day that starts summer, nor is it the day that gives me an excuse to head to the lake to drink like a fool. Memorial Day is the one day that we, as a country, actually stop to think about our freedom. It’s the one day that, as a whole, we appreciate those who gave their lives and sacrificed their futures so that we could have one. Many never made it home while others did, but let us not forget what they ultimately gave. Their lives. I’m thankful for all soldiers, nurses, families and lives from past and present wars and…

  • My Blog

    May Gone.

    It is hard to believe that the first half of the year is almost over and summer is quickly approaching. It seems like I was just enjoying the holiday’s, for the first time in many years, and then January, February, March and April happened. Now May is gone. That sounds ominous, but it is true; where does the time go? I think that we are constantly busy with responsibilities and obligations that it is hard to truly sit down and cherish every day we have. I find myself thinking that I need to do this next, and once that is finished then I will slow down, but here I am…

  • My Blog

    Birthday Calendar

    Last year with all of the changes I made, I had to replace my phone and for some reason my calendar did not switch over. I am sure it was a setting that I messed up when I was trying to keep the iCloud from ruling every aspect of my life. lol. At any rate, I am afraid that I have missed a few important days already and would like to correct that and start anew, with a hand written calendar, which if I am being honest suits me a lot better! Had I not tried to conform with this new tech minded era I would still have my damn…

  • My Blog

    A Titillating Conversation

    Me: How’s it going? Him: I am having a terrible day. Me: Aww, I am sorry. Him: It has been a bad day. Me: Sorry that you have had a bad day. So, what is going on this afternoon? Him: Today has been terrible. Me: Okay, would you like to talk about it? Him: Yeah, it has been a terrible day. Me: Yeah, you have fucking said that already. Four fucking times, to be exact.  Me: Today is fucking terrible. I get it. Him: What’s bothering you bb? Me: Are you in my cam room just to fuck with me? Is this a joke, or what? *eye roll*  Him: ……

  • My Blog

    Baklava. Gone.

    I am struggling to get through my day and to make matters worse, the baklava is gone! All gone! The next baklava holiday is not until July 17th, which happens to be Dawn Marie’s birthday. If you are not aware, she loves her some birthday and it is my favorite of all birthday’s!   

  • My Blog

    A Well Deserved Rant

    This is a rant, and I must say it is fucking well deserved.  This afternoon I was perusing my Twitter timeline when I saw a post by another lady that is on my same network. She, or her husband, I honestly don’t know that she is even involved, other than a video here and there. But, that is neither here, nor there. You know why? Because that is how they choose to run her site, and quiet honestly, it is none of my business. I think it is crappy, but who am I to fucking blast that online when it does not effect my site, or how I choose to…

  • My Blog

    Gifts Aplenty!

    Goodness, you guys are always so thoughtful and generous. I just got home from the PO Box and had a seat full of surprises!  Molly, you are a giver, that is for sure. You never think twice about doing something for others; sometimes for a chuckle (Peanuts and Cracker Jacks) and other times it is sincere thoughtfulness. You have supplied me in a summer of reading and I cannot wait to start on the first book – the one that Kayla suggested for me from my twitter post several weeks ago. I am currently reading a book now, but hope to be finished this weekend and will promptly start turning…