My Blog
Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings
Pizza. What?
Pizza is something that I have never craved, or ordered in a restaurant, but it is a staple in most homes. Or, so it seems from someone who could take it or leave it. Now, with that said, I have always preferred pepperoni and cheese, with NO OTHER TOPPINGS, but have usually had meat lovers ordered- which means every type of meat that is in the kitchen gets put on 1 pizza, regardless of small, medium or large. In the last few months I have enjoyed a plain pepperoni pizza, and now actually look forward to an easy night of pizza delivery. What is your opinion on pizza? Do you…
Not This Week!
This next week is going to be one of chaos and scattered days on cam. Well, not so much scattered as in the beginning and end, with no in between. Sunday I will be on during the morning, for a short period of time (2 hours), and then I have an obligation in the afternoon, but will be back online around dinner time. Friday I will be online all day, with NO INTERRUPTIONS. Or, should I say, none that I am aware of right now. Unfortunately, Mon-Thurs I will be traveling and out of touch, besides the random tweet. If you email me, please be patient. Now, for the Member’s…
I cannot help but respond to BB, with more BB’s than necessary, even in paid chat. It is a compulsive disorder that I have recently developed and there is no rehabilitation in the near future. BB this, BB that, BB what, BB yes. BB everywhere! What you say, BB? BB, I know, right? BB is your name, right? That is what I thought, BB. BB!
Quick Schedule Change
Hey there! I am so sorry to have a second week with rescheduled shows, but it is a chaotic time for me and it cannot be avoided. If you are new to my site, thank you and welcome. Please know that this is rare and I will never cancel a show, but from time to time I do need to reschedule. I will be online tomorrow (Tuesday) until around 7-730p, and won’t be back online until Thursday. The Tuesday night show will be moved to Thursday at 11p EST – I know this is late for some of you, but the earlier shows have been slowly declining in member joins,…
Today Marks 12 Years Online!
Twelve years ago today I was sitting at the computer hitting refresh every few minutes to see if my site was online. I was excited and nervous at the prospect of hearing from strangers across the world, and exploring a new avenue of the world wide web. I had decided to open an online site at the urging of a friend whom had started one herself, but mostly for some extra money. I had no idea the doors it would open, the changes it would create and the business it would become. I have met some amazing people; some are just a passing memory, but many that I consider to…
News and Happenings
Hello and happy Thursday! I hope this finds you doing well and having a beautiful week! It seems that Mother Nature is indecisive and being moody. It is flooding with early tornadoes in some areas, while warm one day, snowing the next in other regions. I love rain, snow and windy days that are gloomy, but also look forward to the sun shining soon. I am ready to get out and start planting a summer garden; granted, that might not happen for another 2 months, but it is something I am happy to patiently wait for. Having four seasons is so good for me! I sent out a newsletter this…
I Have Made a Decision
I am going to find and buy a piece of antique furniture for a spare bedroom. I really love the old styles and simplicity of yesteryears, and most vintage pieces were strongly built with solid wood, not particle scraps pressed together by machine. I do not know what the piece is just yet, but I will find it soon and then take a picture for you. lol.
Easter; Pascha; Resurrection Sunday
Regardless of whether or not you believe, most people celebrate Easter Sunday with food, festivities and hiding eggs from the little ones and watching them go on a hunt in their Sunday best. Today marks the oldest tradition in the Christian church and is on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the spring equinox. I enjoy Easter because it is a sign of a fresh season, new growth and I can wear white pants again, if I so choose. I hope that you all have a beautiful Sunday, a warm and happy Easter and that you are doing what makes you smile the most.
Answer This . . .
Why does the Easter Bunny hide the eggs? Rabbits don’t lay eggs, chickens do!
Spring Blooms . . .
. . . are signs that a new season is near and life has been cleansed and is anew. Last fall I shoved 500 bulbs into the ground and let the winter freeze them and turn them into what I hope will be beautiful blooms all through the spring and into the summer. It was a mild winter, but it was still below freezing and cold under ground enough for the bulbs to have season long blooms! At least, that is my hope. The colder the winter, the better then bloom. I am not sure where I planted what, so it is going to be a surprise of bouquets all…