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Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings
What Are You Thankful For?
This is the month of thanks, and I know that for the most part it is for those of us that celebrate Thanksgiving, but this post is for everyone. I want you to tell us what you are thankful for. It can be as detailed as you care to share, or as simple as one statement. But, I would love to have some interaction with this thread.
PSA: Not a Compliment
Okay, I am just going to say that a backhanded compliment is nothing short of an insult. “Wow! You look great for 40 babe.” I am not sure what 40 is suppose to look like, but it sounds like I am ancient, when I am not. How about leaving age out of it and I won’t mention what a douchebag comment that is.
The Month of T’giving Has Arrived!!!!
I have been patiently counting down the days to the best day of the year and it is finally November!!! For those in the states, and Canada because you also celebrate a T’giving, please tell me what your favorite part of the day is for you.
Stating the Obvious
I have decided to start “shedding” those who only take, and expect the world, leaving nothing in return. If you have a history of joining me on cam, never responding to my conversations, or giving gold, and it has been years (yes, years) of you coming in and out of my cam room often enough for me to know you are just in to get what you can for FREE, do not beg for a second chance. I give a lot more than most online ladies, and do not expect much in return, but when I am tired of your shenanigans, take it for what it is and be thankful…
Tuesday Change In Plans, Now Thursday.
I will only be online for a few hours this Tuesday, and will be gone by 7p EST, which means I won’t be doing the weekly member’s show. I will, however, be doing one Thursday at 8p EST and then the bonus at 11p EST. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to be on Chaturbate Tuesday night, so maybe we can do it Friday evening instead… what are you thoughts? (this is where a group discussion is needed and encouraged.)
I support this hashtag and discovering that it is trending on social media has made my day! My dad loved him some candy corn! When my twin and I would get home from trick-or-treating he would “check the candy to make sure it is safe to eat.” But, really he just wanted to take all the candy corn out for himself. lol. I forget what granny would grab, and Mom never got in a hurry because she could grab as many caramel pieces as she wanted when we were at school. Each Halloween, I eat one very small bag of candy corn and I eat caramel all year round!
No Words . . .
Some days I do not even know how to carry on a conversation with people. whats thatoutft doin for you todayy (I am concerned for our education system, or lack of.) ive been hunting and you look like a prime target (this gives me great concern for our future.) imma smack your tits. (I hope this one does not reproduce.. EVER)
Who Were You?
It is Halloween once again, which is no surprise really. It happens once a year, as the calendar days roll by and the months come and go, the Holiday’s will inevitably arrive, like it or not. Believe me, it does not matter if you hate it with passion, the holiday’s happen, regardless of your disdain. What was your very first costume as a child, and what was your favorite one over the years? Mine was Olive Oyl and it was a plastic apron, with a mask..
Chaturbate Tonight
Hey there! Do not forget that tonight we are spending the evening getting reacquainted with Chaturbate. It might be trial and error, but you guys have mentioned a few times that you miss the platform that the site has to offer, so let’s join together and have some fun. I will do the member’s show on Streamate, as usual, and then take a dinner break, meeting you on CB around 1130ish pm EST. Sound like a plan?
A Penny For Your Thoughts
Without thinking about it, what is on your mind? Go.