My Blog
Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings
My Time Offline
Okay, so I have decided to take some time offline next week and I am looking forward to it. I cannot recall a week where I have taken time to stay home and do nothing. Now with that said, I won’t be sitting around doing nothing, and I certainly won’t be playing Toy Blast since I finished the game last week. I will most likely spend a day working on my site, blogging, making new content, responding to emails and whatever else I have let slip lately. Then I hope to plant bulbs and do some stuff outside and maybe check out a new antique shop that I have not…
See you later, alligator. In a while, crocodile.
Have you ever wondered where this saying originated from? No? Well, I have and so that means I have looked into it and after much research, I have my report for you. In the 1950’s it was popular among the young generation and it was considered “cool” if they could turn a sentence into a rhyme. Which makes me think of the popular sitcom show Happy Days where Fonzie always rhymed his responses. It was sometimes annoying, but everyone seemed to love him. “See you later alligator. In awhile crocodile. Was a popular song written by a cajun singer/songwriter. It was about his girlfriend leaving him for another man, only to return…
What is Your Season?
We all have our favorites. It is what makes us who we are. Which season is the one that rejuvenates your soul, makes you smile and gives you reason to smile? For me it would be fall. There is something about the changing of temps, the rustling of leaves, the changing colors and the promise for a winter. I remember as a kid, stepping off of the school bus, walking into the house and Mom had every window open. It was a cleansing of the dust and heat from the summer, the smell of the crisp air and the hope for cooler days that always made me happy. The last…
A Productive Saturday
It is Saturday and I am already awake, two beds stripped and the first load of laundry is in the wash now. I considered sleeping in this morning, and I probably would have except I slept hard all night. Once My head hit the pillow I did not open my eyes until 730 and I was wide awake and ready for my day. I might have stayed in bed for awhile but I finished Toy Blast last night and I want tater tots for lunch today. Both of which are reasons to get moving early and be productive. In away I am sad that I reached the end of TB,…
You have forever been supportive and giving. Thank you! With my recent moves, from one house-to-another in Texas, and then in Arizona, having two different mailing addresses, you have been tested. Yet, you do not get frustrated with me, or even annoyed. You just simply let me know that an item did not make it to my newest address and you have re-ordered the gifts. Thank you, as always, for being so good to me and for always laughing and taking it in stride. PS- I hope you get that damn thing out of your garage soon. lol.
A Year’s Supply
Oh my goodness! I received a surprise package from BD264 a couple weeks ago, and was not sure what it could be. The box was heavy and I could not imagine what it could be. When I opened it, I laughed and my day was brightened just at the thoughtfulness of the contents. It is a year’s supply of Ritz Peanut Butter Crackers! Not only does he know I love snacks, but to know that I prefer Ritz over the traditional crackers means he pays attention! Okay, prefer might be the wrong word here.. there are no other brands now that I have tried Ritz. They are so scrumptiously delicious!…
Panty Bundle Sale
Panty Bundle Sale $35 for 3 pairs: I am running a special through September on Panty bundles (3 pairs) for $35 – for USA only. I am sorry, this is limited to those in the states because of customs and the cost to ship over seas. I accept Gift Rocket and Amazon GC, whichever is best for you. Email me to inquire further –
Today’s Member Show
Hello! I have emailed, tweeted, verbally informed and reminded, but in case you have not kept up, I thought I should post here as well… I am shooting new content tonight and tomorrow, which means I need an earlier member’s show tonight. So, meet me through the Tuesday banner on my site at 645p EST… it will be 1 hour, as usual, just a lot earlier than normal. Tuesday, September 5th at 645p EST
Homemade Chex Mix
As you know, Red has made chex mix for me in the past and he made mention of making more for me, after I moved to Arizona. Of course, once he mentioned it, I could not stop wanting some of his homemade chex. He’s a busy man, with his Gigolo business and all, but that does not mean he could not schedule one of his out-calls for me instead. No. Days of waiting turned into week’s and one day a package arrived with a surprise from Red! It arrived when I least expected and it was a great package to receive that day. So, thank you goes out to Red…
September is NOT Halloween
Alright, come on now! It is getting ridiculous how early stores are beginning to sell holiday items. It used to be just weeks before the day, but any more it is months ahead of time. Can we not just fucking enjoy today for what it is, and it is NOT a goddamn holiday! I mean, I am the first to admit that I am a fucking scrooge. In fact, I am worse than that because I do not understand the hoopla of these big holiday’s that were only made into a money-spending-craze by big corporate box stores. We, as a society, have fallen for their trap and it is not…