My Blog

Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings

  • My Blog

    Thank you, Amber

    Amber, Thank you so much for always being thoughtful and so giving. It is amazing how generous and kind you are; an absolute gem!  I love the dress and plaid shirt, which I will wear often but also on cam. I look forward to wearing the leotards, one-piece and Keds just for you, once we are able to have a session.     

  • My Blog

    The Eclipse

    I am curious as to how many of you were excited for this once-in-a-lifetime event, or who stayed inside giving it not a seconds thought.  I don’t know if it really is a once-in-a-lifetime event, to be honest with you. It is a fantastic happenstance that it is crossing the entire US of A, but how many times has it crossed over oceans and other territories that are uninhabited? This one, is by far, the most televised and sought after eclipse, but it is because it is easily accessible. People from Canada and the south are flocking to the path of totality causing traffic jams and hotels to be sold…

  • My Blog

    News and Happenings

    It has been awhile since I sent out a newsletter, but it was time to catch you guys up on the news and happenings of my site, the new network and specials that I am offering through September. If you have not seen this, check your inbox, or possibly your spam folder (although, I am not spam). You will find news of our new network and several specials, such as panty sales, Skype sessions and custom videos.  I will be online most of this week, but the internet tech is scheduled for tomorrow. I am hoping for an early appointment so that it does not disrupt the day, but…

  • My Blog

    Saturday News and Such

    The title is a bit misleading in that I have no news to share, but instructions on where you should be tomorrow night.  I plan to be online at 8p EST and will stay on indefinitely, until I tire out or you guys leave me for your pillows.  If you are a member of my site, you have FREE access to all gold shows, no matter the day. You click through the Tuesday night show banner and will drop into a chat room. I do the rest – just sit and enjoy. 🙂  

  • My Blog

    A Messenger For Ladies and Fella’s

    I absolutely adore the community that has developed through my site. Each one of you adds to the personality and sense of humor that keeps me amused. I find myself passing notes between you all and yesterday turned out to be one of the best yet. In case you missed it, the messages started out on Twitter. After reading my Twitter TL this morning, I received an email exchange with DW, which is below.  I just read your twits from last night.  Amber/Mollie is a very perceptive person.  It is indeed my doing.  It is how I did it that would really impress people.   You see, I am not…

  • My Blog

    This Week is a No-Go

    Well, it seems internet woes have struck my world, once again. Technology is a fantastic invention, but when it is not working it snowballs into a frustrating week. I had hoped to treat you all with a member’s Thursday by running gold shows all evening long, however, the connection today is so sporadic that I cannot even get the software to calibrate. I was on for about 45 minutes this morning and the video feed was spotty, to say the least.  I will try for Chaturbate tonight, but we will have to play it by ear as to how long I am online.  Once my service has been restored I…

  • My Blog

    Member Show

    It seems the #smglitch is strong this week and it has made it impossible to predict, or to plan around. So, with that said, let’s meet on Chaturbate tonight for the Tuesday night member show. It will be at 8p EST, and it will be a FREE show, if you are a member of mine. However, there is no banner for you to click through to gain access, so you must join the cam site in order to create a username. Once in my chat room I will give you a pass, which will then grant you access to the show. Please, if you join the chat be patient while…

  • My Blog

    World Elephant Day

    World Elephant Day has been in operation since 2012 and with each passing year, it becomes more widely known and acknowledged. It is amazing how many sanctuaries and organizations have been working to save the pachyderm species for decades and with the help of social media people are starting to appreciate these gentle beasts.  Ele-Facts: If a baby elephant complains, the entire family will rumble and go over and touch and caress it.  Elephants express grief and compassion.  Elephants play a crucial ecological role in their habitats, such as digging pools of water that other animals depend on. Elephants can live to be over 70 years old. Elephants have a…