My Blog

Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings

  • My Blog

    My Weekend Disconnect

    First, I would like to thank you all for giving me this weekend to disconnect. It means a lot to me that you read my blog, but also that you respected my need to just get away from everything and everyone for a couple of days. Some of you emailed with concerns or and support and it means a lot that you all care as much as you do.  This weekend was everything I needed and then some. I stayed in bed for a good part of it and got out to eat when I needed to. I just escaped for a couple of days and now I am back…

  • My Blog

    What is What

    There have been a lot of things going on for the last year, or so, much of the happenings you all have been aware of. In fact, many of you helped when you could, sent flowers, notes and happy thoughts; all of which were appreciated. As we continue to move forward, we embark on the 11th year of my online world. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to have so many of you continue through each passing month with me. You could have easily joined, downloaded the content and moved on, but you stayed. Thank you. In the next few months there are going to be…

  • My Blog

    Calla Lily

    Many, many years ago, long before I figured out how to not kill everything that I planted, I bought a calla lily, which was just 3 bulbs. Today that has morphed into lilies all around my house. I did not think they would bloom this years since we did not have a winter, but i was pleasantly surprised the other day when I noticed one lily peaking and starting to open. With the rains yesterday it was glistening with drops of water through this morning. I hope this is the first of many blooms this season. 

  • My Blog

    Era of the Cell Phone

    I realize we are a society that is always attached to the latest technology craze, but I think it has gotten out of hand. Everyone has a cell phone, even kids who are in elementary school. And, “Doug” before you say that you don’t have a smart phone and then pretend that you are ignorant and that you don’t even know what a cell phone is, we are all on to you. lol.  I was at a restaurant earlier just to pick up an oder and every child in the place was on their phone, while the parents sat in silence. Why are kids allowed to be so connected to…

  • My Blog

    A Special Month

    This month marks 11 years online for me and that is reason enough to give thanks. If it were not for those of you who have been with me for years, staying loyal and always supporting me through my site, cam, social media and everything in between, I would not still be doing this.  This weekend I offered an $11 join and it was a big hit! Some of you are new to my site and a few are rejoins, but whichever you are, I just want to say thank you! I hope that you will enjoy the site whether you stay for a few months or just the one,…

  • My Blog

    Spring = Change

    If I were to pick a season that is for me, it would be the fall, hands down. However, the spring brings change that shows new life and for that, I have to say this year for me the best season is right now. The spring is resilient and beautiful, with changes and uncertainty but one thing is assured that the strong will survive.  The crossvines around the house are growing uncontrollably and they are on their second blooms of the season. I was worried they bloomed too early (because we had no winter) and that would effect the spring cycle, but they shed the first blooms during a strong…