My Blog
Lone Star Angel's Blog Postings
She is Not Me and I Am Not Her
Over the years I have shot with a lot of amazing women; beautiful and kind. Some were on the edge of crazy, but most were ladies that I considered friends. All but a few have moved on from their online persona, leaving no forwarding address or web footprint for those who followed their work. More times than not, when someone disappears from online they still keep in touch with those they became close to. I hear from ladies of the past from time to time; they fill me in on the happenings with family and what new changes are going on in their lives. The reason for this post is because…
What Comes to Mind?
I enjoy blogging only because you all have shown so much support and interaction. Without you, it would be boring and I would ultimately just be talking to myself. It has been awhile since I have posted a thread that requires interaction, so here it goes . . . The first person needs to tell us what is on your mind. It can be anything, everything or just one thing, but I want to hear about it. The second person needs to respond to the first and then in another paragraph to tell us what is on your mind. The third person does just as the second, and so on… …
Special Delivery
Last week I received a special package from Victoria’s Secret, with a first and last name, but not the screen name that I might recognize you under. The four pairs of panties were specifically picked out by the sender, which was such a thoughtful gift, but I am not sure who to thank. I do not have anyone who requests VS panties for shows or updates, so I honestly am at a loss as to the person that might have sent the box of surprises. Also, might you be the same person that sent super hero panties about 5 months ago? LOL. Just had to throw that in there, since…
Cards Against Humanity
Last week I received a card in the mail from Dawn Marie, which is not unusual. She is one of the most thoughtful people I have ever known. She sends cards to say “thank you” for thinking about her, being thoughtful, for checking in, and for special days. She even sends cards after staying with us for a few days. What I am getting at is that it was not surprising when I received a card in the mail from her, however, I have been a terrible friend lately. I have not done anything to warrant a special card from DM. When I opened it, a card dropped out: What…
Your Favorite Meal
As a child, what was your favorite meal? Was it breakfast, lunch or dinner? What was your favorite foods and do you still find it to be your favorite now?
A Long Over Due Thank You
This post is long over due and was an oversight on my part when I posted a “Thank You” to all of the holiday givers. I received two Amazon gift cards that were both unexpected and very much appreciated. The first one came from Cliff and a few hours later I received another one from Outlaw. It means a lot to me that you both took the time to be so thoughtful, especially during such a busy time of year. You guys have shows such generosity and loyalty that I want you to know that it does not go unnoticed by me. Thank you!
Is Cheesecake a Pie?
If you follow me twitter account you most likely saw the discussion regarding Cheesecake being consumed in honor of #NationalPieDay. That started the argument about whether cheesecake is a pie or a cake. Later on in the afternoon Bubba asked about Boston Cream Pie and is it a pie or just another imposter? Dwwindsor, who is the reason for the Cheesecake discussion, researched it and submitted a report, which was both amusing and enlightening. Read it in its entirety and you may find your answer, but it might also bring up more questions. Once you are finished, leave us your interpretation on if Cheesecake is a pie or a cake,…
To My January Birthday Boys
This post pertains to the January birthday’s that we have celebrated annually for many years now. This is the first year that we are not hosting the annual celebration, but I hope you all know it was not an easy decision to cancel this one. Happy Birthday, Cliff – thank you for being as loyal as you have been, despite the fact I am your only non-geek lady you enjoy. Thank you for always helping with my computer hiccups and disasters and for showing up in my cam room when you are able to give a few minutes of your time. I would like to especially thank you for my…
A Happy Break
Okay, I have been way too negative in my last two posts, and probably most of this week. I think we need some elephants in our day to lift spirits and bring a smile to my face, and hopefully yours.
Built up Rant
Several months ago our neighbors contacted our internet company, but because they are at a lower elevation than we are, they could not get a signal strong enough to work. Our property has hills, dips and slopes in every direction, but at the back of our property there is a high point, that sees the tower (which is needed because it is line-of-site-internet). When they all discussed it with me, I specifically said, as long as it does not interfere with my world, I am okay with it. But, with that said, I want it running strong and stable before my internet is moved to the new pole. That did not…