• My Blog

    Happy New Beginnings!

    It is that time of year where everyone says “happy new year!”, and some even go as far as making resolutions. With the way 2020 turned out, I feel as though we should look ahead as though it is a chance at a new beginning, and in a way it really is. We all have that uncertainty ahead of us, but we are in it together and as much as you are probably tired of hear that, it really is the truth. So, allow me to wish you a very “happy new beginning!”. The holiday’s were low key for us this year, which made me happy because if you know…

  • My Blog

    COVID: Our Story

    Okay, so this is a post that I have contemplated for awhile, but each time I consider typing it out, I take a nap instead. But, here it goes. Before I give you our experience, I feel that I should disclose everything, or else it’s all just half truths. We have always socially distanced, so nothing much changed for us, except we no longer have family dinners as often as we used to. We cancelled our big wedding celebration which had 100 guests, and was going to be a 4-day event. We have had dinner with the family twice, our neighbors once, friends three times and even had our wedding,…

  • My Blog

    Tell Me Something Positive

    With everything going on this year, I feel disconnected from you all more than ever. Not just COVID, but MtnMan’s surgery, the doctor appointments and then we had a huge celebration planned for April that was cancelled, and I fell into a routine that didn’t involve staying present online, other than tweeting, member shows, camming and new content. Anyway, I am trying to break that mindset, and do more than just say “I am going to start blogging again, starting today!”, I am actually doing it this time. lol. So, share something positive that has happened this year. I will share two positives with you all. First, MtnMan and I…