• My Blog

    Thank You

    I have been amazed, but not surprised, by all the love shown to Abby, the Golden. I finally responded to all of the messages on my previous post, and wanted to say “Thank you”. Thank you for caring; for taking the time to reach out over the last couple months. Thank you for loving our favorite golden. She was easy to love.

  • My Blog

    Abby the Golden: Until the Next Forever

    Abigail. Abs of Gail. Abby. Abbycadabra. Abby Labby Do Dah. Our Favorite Golden. My Girl. Our Kid. Unbeknownst to her, she was internet famous and loved worldwide. As most of you know, because you’ve checked on her almost daily, in July she started choking when she would eat. Not all the time, but enough that we were concerned. A call to her doctor advised us to call around because they couldn’t get her in, and it sounded like an emergency. We called another vet and were able to get in the next morning. They admitted her into their hospital, thinking she had pneumonia and would need to keep her for…

  • My Blog

    Another Abby Update

    She has been dubbed “Our Million Dollar Kid”, but no matter the added costs, we have not hesitated to give her the best care possible. She had another round of chemo Thursday. A couple days prior, we noticed a large lump on her neck and her gums had dark spots all over them; because of that they took x-rays just to ensure she is responding to chemo. Her X-rays look better than expected. The mass has shrunk and she has no fluid on her lungs. The tumor on her neck is an engorged lymph-node that shows she’s not going into remission unfortunately, but it’s nothing unexpected with as severe as…

  • My Blog

    An Abby Update

    She had her third round of chemo on Thursday. I dropped her off at 830 and picked her up at 5; she was relieved to see me walk into her treatment room. Her white blood cells and platelets were extremely low 3 weeks ago, however, her numbers have improved and she’s back in range. With her numbers where they need to be, the doctor was able to give her the full dosage of 80mg’s of chemo and we can now reduce her prednisone to every other day, instead of daily. Her breathing has improved even more than the last checkup and he’s extremely happy with her progress. She lost 7…

  • My Blog

    An Update: Our Favorite Golden

    You guys are absolutely amazing. Thank you to everyone that continues to check on our girl, and those who have sent a lot of well wishes and happy thoughts. We really do appreciate you! She had her second round of chemo on Saturday. I dropped her off at 830 and picked her up at 3; she was delighted to see me. Her white blood cells and platelets are extremely low. She was within range (9.29 and 288) for her first treatment. Today she is 2.32 and 85 but he is not concerned at this time. They gave her 80mg’s of chemo 3 weeks ago and today only 50mg’s because the…

  • My Blog

    “Our Favorite Golden” – An Update

    This is a hard thread for me to post, but one that I feel needs to be made. It is truly amazing how many of you have reached out to me, asking about our girl. I tell her quite often that she is internet famous, and in the last week that has been proven to be true. There is so much love for Abby, who one of my guys affectionately refers to her as “our favorite golden”. When we got home a week ago Sunday, Abby didn’t celebrate our homecoming and didn’t eat for 2 days. She also wasn’t talking and her breathing was labored. Our vet couldn’t get us…

  • My Blog

    Abby the Golden Turns 5

    It seems like we were just on our way to Idaho to pick up a cute, furry faced puppy, and here we are celebrating her fifth trip around the sun. She’s sweet. She’s lovable. She’s every bit quirky. She’s a Momma’s girl that is perpetually on team Dad. She loves swimming, rolling in dirt, her tennis ball(s) and all of her buddies. She’s got so much love to give, but hates my hugs. She puts up with my hugs, but grunts, groans, scoffs and sometimes grumbles. She is a talker; always talking. She walks through the house talking. She’ll sit on my feet, look straight up at me and tell…

  • My Blog

    Abby the Golden, Growing Up.

    Abby has always run to the mud puddles, diving in head first into creeks and ponds, living her best life possible! When it is snowing, she’s outside enjoying a tumble, a dive and a backstroke over and through drifts. It’s a sight to witness, because there is nothing like her living her best life possible. Rainstorms never bother her. NOPE. She’ll sit in the middle of her yard, face upwards towards the sky, rain drenching her golden locks, while she lives her best life possible. She’s a mess to clean up, but we’ve created a good routine when she comes in, she stops inside the door so that I can…

  • My Blog

    The Antics of My Abby Girl

    Abby has become a Twitter sensation and she doesn’t even realize it! From running through sprinklers during her playdates, to diving into muddy creeks and doing the backstroke in a pile of snow, the girl is loved. She’s a mess. She hates bath time, but loves to get be dirty and she’s just fine with her stink. She puts up with me brushing her daily, but as soon as I take her collar off she knows it’s bath time. Bath time is her demise. Just ask her. She will usually grunt and snarl, and turn into an asshole. Yes, she is an asshole at bath time. As soon as she’s…

  • My Blog

    Abby and the Team of Horses

    I must share a story with you because it’s full of too much cuteness not to. We were on a ranch, in a field with nothing but a river running through it and a team of horses grazing. It was a beautiful day, with blue skies and a nice mountain breeze blowing through the valley. Abby had to stay in the truck for a short while so we left the windows down for her while we crossed the river on foot. We were gone for about 15 minutes and came around the bend in the river to see the truck surrounded by 24 horses, three of which are colts. Abby…