• My Blog

    Abby, the Mopey Golden

    I have been a constant in Abby’s world, since I work from home. She does not always hang out in the cam room, but she checks on me throughout every day. Saturday I started gathering stuff to take on our trip, without pulling out any bags. Once she sees the bags, it is OVER, only this time she knew what was going on without the suitcase on the bed. She huffed, she puffed, she sat with judgemental despair written all over her furry face. She’s been glued to me for 4 days now, and has chosen to go on a food strike. She does it from time to time, usually…

  • My Blog

    Abby and Her Reactions

    MtnMan used to send her into my cam room when he was home. She thought it was a game. He’d send her my way, she’d poke her head out, he’d tell her “get on your bed” and she’d jump across the room and lay down like she’d been there the whole time. Once she was sure he was no longer standing outside the room, she’d creep to the door and watch for him, if he moved she’d leap across the room back on her bed. This went on for months. When it’s just her and I, she spends part of her time in the cam room with me and the…

  • My Blog

    Abby’s Rough Start to the Week

    So…. you know Abby despises the Roomba, whom MtnMan has affectionately named the Dog Snatcher? It has been acting haywire for a month now, and last week while we were in Twin, I had it remap the entire house because after 10 reboots, the customer service people insisted that must happen in order to fix this problem. Yesterday it completed a job in 7 minutes, when 1 room takes 30-45 minutes, and when I sent it to clean another room, it left the home base and did donuts about 3 feet from the base and then kept head butting the sliding glass doors until it finally ended back up on…

  • My Blog

    Abby and Her Amusing Love Of All Things Called Life.

    Yesterday I tweeted a picture of Abby, and promised a blog post with the backstory of what makes her so precious. MtnMan has something in the spare room that Abby is constantly checking on, and that in itself, is amusing, but she always takes a buddy with her. That buddy is almost always Herbie, but Wednesday it was Skunky, and she must have needed a closer inspection because she dropped the Skunk, sniffed around and then high-tailed it out, not going back in there. So, she inadvertently left Skunk in the room overnight. It wasn’t until she was sitting in the doorway of my cam room that she saw him…

  • My Blog

    Abby vs. the Dog Snatcher

    We welcomed a Roomba into our home in August, much to Abby’s disapproval and chagrin. The first 5 days were spent with the “Dog Snatcher” mapping the entire home. She followed it around, constantly checking on it, nervous and in full fear mode. Once it had learned the floor plan of our home, I was able to create cleaning maps. The Dining Room, Second Bath and Kitchen are labeled “Hair Control”. In order to stay ahead of the hairy mess, I try to run the Roomba several times a week, but in order to not stress the girl out, I do my best to hide it from her. Here is…

  • My Blog

    Hello February!

    All in all, January was a fairly decent experience. Nothing major happened, to speak of, and now here we are welcoming a new day, a new week and a new month. Hello February! I do have one minor incident to share with you all. A week ago Sunday, Abby decided to run away. Okay, back up, run away is such a harsh term because she has a good life and I don’t think she was planning on leaving permanently. Here is what happened. She decided to go on a walk about, without letting us know. MtnMan was in the garage putzing around and I was cleaning out the truck; Abby…

  • My Blog

    Snow, Snow and More Snow

    We have had a very dry start to winter, with very little snow accumulation. In Early November we had a day of blizzard conditions, when there was no snow forcasted, and it gave me hope that winter was well on her way. But, that moved out almost as quickly as it blew in, and we’ve had no rain and no snow since. However, it has been freezing with below zero temps, warming up to the mid-thirties by 1p, just long enough to make it feel sweltering and then it drops back to below freezing. I do love that because I’ve never been a fan of the sun. It’s a love…

  • My Blog

    Ornery Abby

    Abby has become quirky over the last few months, often saving her breakfast for dinner. She will look at her food, sniff it and walk away, and for the longest time it would worry me. I googled it, talked to the vet, had tests run and she is a healthy, happy golden. There is no reason she has stopped eating breakfast with the gusto we came to adore. None. To get her excited about eating (and mostly to stop me from worrying she was going to starve to death), MtnMan started playing a game with her. One that she looks forward to each morning now. She sees me getting her…

  • My Blog

    Windy Weather and a Storm

    I woke up to the wind breaking up against the house and what a great sound it is. I love the sound of a storm blowing in, whether it’s the Texas thunderstorms I experienced in the hill country, or the snow storms rolling into the valley off of the mountains of Nevada. It’s all beautiful to me. I find Mother Nature to be a fascinating beast. As much as I miss the Texas thunderstorms, I love the snow storms I experience here. Granted, it’s just a lot of noise right now, with gloomy skies and cold winds, but the snow is coming and it’s something I look forward to. And,…