• My Blog

    Tell Me About Your Weekend

    I’d love to hear about your weekend, good or bad, I want to hear it all. My weekend was busy, but that’s not unusual. Saturday I spent the day working on lonestarangel.com, my LoyalFans page and the clip stores. It’s a hustle that keeps me busy, but I enjoy it. After I spent the majority of the day working my hustle, I spent several hours on cam. It was a great Saturday, with no complaints. Thank you to everyone that joined me online, whether through the link on my site (FREE to members) or those that joined my cam page. I appreciate you all. Yesterday we spent our day on…

  • My Blog

    VNA Show on Friday

    Thank you to everyone that joined me last night, especially with my absence over the last couple weeks. Actually, close to three weeks, but who is counting? I pride myself in saying I never cancel a VNA show, and now that I am feeling better I’d like to schedule the makeup for this Friday. Let’s meet at the usual time – 11p EST. I hope that you all can make it, but if not, I do understand. I hope by then I’ll be feeling more myself and have more energy to play. VNA – Friday at 11p EST Below is a picture of Abby the golden, more for an attention…

  • My Blog

    Abby’s Workout

    I have decided I need to start be proactive with getting acclimated to the higher elevations. I mean, I’ve been here 3 years now and it is time. Granted, I really could not do much for the first 2 years without getting a migraine the next day, so I limited myself on activities and hiking with MtnMan. Usually I’d go a short distance and return to the truck with Abby, while he hiked on. Anyway, last week I went on my first real hike and pushed myself as far as I could before I started to feel the pressure in my lungs and head. I made .062 miles and that…

  • My Blog

    Just Checkin In

    This year has been fucking nuts, to say the least, and it has made me appreciate our group (our community) even more than I already did. I am thankful that each of you have stayed connected with me, and that you continue to show up on Monday nights through the VNA link and some of you choose to share the rest of the week with me on Streamate. I have been very fortunate in this online world in that you guys have stayed with me and become an amazing community. Each of you checks on others and you’re always there to support each other in the trials and tribulations of…

  • My Blog

    Abby and Her Happy Tail Wag

    I dropped Abby off with her extended family who had the backyard sprinklers turned on for her and it took her less than 2 minutes to run through them. She didn’t even say bye to me, so it’s a good thing I hugged and gave her a few kisses before I let her know she was going somewhere. Goodness, no “bye Mom, love you!”, but instead she about rolled her cousin saying hi, and then quickly calmed down with she got a growl in return. She sat, let the cousin sniff and say hi and then the cousin almost rolled her. LOL. Once the hello’s were over, Abby ran through…

  • My Blog

    Abby the Golden

    She makes me smile, and she makes me love her, but she doesn’t always like my hugs and kisses. She is my shadow, my sweet girl and she is always under foot. I love that about her. I would miss her if she wasn’t always so curious about what I am doing, and I certainly couldn’t clean without her help. lol. But, that also means she always knows when we are leaving for a trip because as soon as I get a bag out, she is somber and so sad. She does not hide her sadness very well, and it is heartbreaking. For me, not for MtnMan. Let’s be clear…

  • My Blog

    Abigail’s Sunday of Trial and Tribulations.

    I woke up to a migraine, which meant a late start to the day, and it also meant that MtnMan was the one to open Abby’s curtain and say good morning to her. I doubt that it was as cheerful as my good mornings, and I can certainly say there were no hugs. She, however, darted out of her bedroom with glee and happiness, probably stopping to say hi to Herbie and Kandy. It’s hard to say who received her first love nudge because, although, Herbie is always near her, she has a very soft spot for the new buddy that we welcomed a few weeks ago. At any rate,…

  • My Blog

    Show Me that Face

    Let’s see your animals in all of their glory. I want you to post a picture, introduce your loved one, and give a quick summary on their personalities. The more than join in, the more fun this thread will be… so happy posting! She is a momma’s girl through and through, but she despises her picture to be taken. She loves getting dirty, swimming, playing in the snow, finding the mud pit and riding in the truck. She plays rough with MtnMan, but if I am in the room she is a drama queen and will squeal, even if he is not doing anything to her. I fall for it…

  • My Blog

    Herbie Got a Bath

    We went into the mountains yesterday, which means Abigail was running around sagebrush, dust and into streams. I did my best to keep her out of the water, but let’s face it, that is a defeating task. There is no keeping that dog out of water, or even clean for that matter. As you can see, he came out of his bath looking a little rough. Granted, some of that is most definitely his dogs doing, but his face needs some repair where his hair thinned out. Let me tell you what happened, in my own words, and whatever you do, do not listen to Abby or pay any attention…

  • My Blog

    A Month of Abby

    I try my best to tweet a #dailypic of #abbythegolden, but sometimes I slip and forget to share her cute face. Although, I am so obsessed with her that somedays I share 10 pictures, not just one. lol. Not everyone is on Twitter, so I thought I would create a thread for those of you that still read my blog. A few weeks ago MtnMan took us on a drive to an area we have not seen before. It was a beautiful lake area in a valley surrounded by mountains. We were not sure how Abby would react to a large body of water since she has only played in…