• My Blog

    Abigail Has a Sleepover

    We stayed up watching “Hell on Wheels” last night, keeping Abby up well past her bedtime. This morning she was still asleep when I opened her curtain, and that is unusual because she is usually grumbling to let us know she is awake a little while before I say my good mornings to her. Once she went out for her morning patrol, she was fed and we were putting our shoes on to go feed her cousin and go to breakfast. Abby stayed home. She was heartbroken, but as soon as she saw the truck pull in she forgot her misery and was a happy girl, wagging her tail and…

  • My Blog

    The Tulips, They Are to Blame.

    Abby is our kid, and where I go, she goes. Or, at least that is how it used to be, until the temps warmed up and now it’s too hot for her to stay in the truck. It is for her own good, but she does not know that. I mean, how could she, even though I tell her that’s the reason we are leaving her home… each time we leave her home. Last weekend we went to breakfast, and her face said it all. She was hurt and not too happy about being left, again. When we got home she appeared to be worried about getting into trouble, but…

  • My Blog

    Duckie: The Original

    Before we picked up Abigail, we picked up some essentials for puppy preparations, one of which was an elephant that was later named Mickie. We also found a cute Duck that went “quack-quack”, but because this is an ele-loving household, we took Mickie with us to pick Abby up. I was convinced she would love and love on her elephant, making Mickie her number one. Yeah, I was wrong. She took to the duck soon after she got over being in a new home. In fact, Duckie was the one she would curl up with for naps, and he was the one she always came running into the room with.…

  • My Blog

    Ewok in the House

    We are keeping the Ewok from next door while her family is on a weekend trip out of town. She is not a huge fan of Abigail, but being forced to live with her over the last few weeks is making her come around. She has only growled at Abby a few times, and it was when Abby went to the kennel window to say hi. It turns out the Ewok does not care for g’mornings, hello’s or tail wags. Normally this Ewok does not want much to do with us as she spends her time pouting because she has been left behind. Now, that does not mean that she…

  • My Blog

    Do You Know…

    Do you know what love is? A 6 month old golden retriever. Do you know what is annoying? That 6 month old golden retriever with a squeaky toy walking from one end of the house to the other, squeeking contsantly. Do you know what is frustrating? When this 6 month old golden retriever hates her picture taken, until I am trying to do custom pictures for someone and she is not the subject requested. Do you know what happy is? The tail of the 6 month old golden retriever whacking the wall as she runs into the room.

  • My Blog

    Mountain Hikes

    We take Abigail on hikes a couple times a week, and it has been great exercise for her, and for us. Most of the time Abby and I stay close to the truck while MtnMan hikes up steep mountains and around rock ledges but she loves to run, play in the snow, toss the stick (herself) and chase her tail. By the time we are heading home she is crashed out in the back seat, which is 100% her domain and Duckie is always quick to curl up with her. When we get home our routine is to get her fed, brush her coat and then shower her clean again.…

  • My Blog

    Herbert C.T. Hogg

    Meet Herbert C.T. Hogg. Herbie Hogg. Herb the Hogg. Allow me to tell you the story about Abby’s buddy, Herbert C.T. Hogg. He arrived over a month ago, thanks to a very thoughtful fella (BD), and Abby was not having it. To say she freaked out is an understatement. She ran, hid, growled, jumped a foot high. It was quiet the show and it made us laugh, but was also a bit disheartening that Herbie had that effect on her at first sight. He took up residence on a shelf in the dining room/kitchen area, and when she was not watching we would make him “bark” (or, whatever it is…

  • My Blog

    Happy Holidays

    Okay, bare with me, please. I never thought I would be anything short of a grinch. It was not that I didn’t want you all to enjoy your holidays, but I didn’t see what the big hub bub was all about. And, in reality, I still don’t, but I do appreciate the simple things, such as putting up a tree. We even have a wreath for our door, thanks to Dawn Marie! That will be as much decorating that will get done at our house, but I am actually looking forward to going to cut down a tree on Saturday. It is something that we could have easily blown off,…

  • My Blog

    The Last PG Photo . . .

    I would like to get some interaction back on this blog, but I need you all to play along. What is the last PG photo you took on your phone? Yes, I am specifically asking for PG so that everyone will enjoy this thread… or, at least, that is my hope. Of course, mine is of Abigail. 

  • My Blog

    What is New in Your World?

    It has been awhile since I have checked in with those of you that read my blog, so I thought today would be a perfect time to change that.  If you follow my tweets, read my blog and join me on cam, you probably know what is going on in my world, but, in the event that you are not up to date on the happenings in my world, allow me to share more: Abby is 4 months old and I am positive that the terrible two’s have arrived and yes, they are real. She is getting taller, so she is lanky and still just as clumsy as ever. She…