• My Blog

    I am a Derp

    I had to look that word up, just to make sure I was using it in the correct context. I am. Allow me to elaborate on that- I am a derp AND I am using it in the correct context. Also, allow me to explain that. About 3 weeks ago I received two packages and flowers for my birthday, all of which were thoughtful and made me smile. I typed up a blog post to say my “thank you” and didn’t hit the publish button. I have been wondering why no one commented or mentioned it, but then again, sometimes the posts go unnoticed. Here I am, with a few…

  • My Blog

    This is Long Overdue

    Goodness, it seems I am constantly falling short with my thanks you threads. But, it is better late than never, as they say, and hopefully you all agree. Nicster always sends gifts for Thanksgiving, since he knows I have a dislike for the Christmas holiday. Truthfully, so does he, just so you know. We really are not that different, he and I; but that is neither here, nor there, so on with my thread of thanks! He always asks me what I want, but I always tell him to choose for me. This time, however, I gave him a few options but asked him to choose in the end so…

  • My Blog

    Always a Thoughtful One

    Molly, Thank you so much for always being thoughtful, kind and generous. It does not matter what your days are like, you always think of others first, whether it be your wit, kindness or thoughtfulness. You are a sweet, sweet lady!  Thank you for the soup, crackers, Victoria’s Secret coupons and the picture you sent off of my wishlist. I think I already know where it will be hung.   

  • My Blog

    Book Shelf

    Goodness, you guys have really have restocked my bookshelves. I have enough books to keep me reading for a few months, thank you!  Nick, I just received another book from you, and I just now realized I never “officially” thanked you for the first one! I look forward to reading them both, but the one I just picked up will be my next read. It is one that Dwwindsor suggested regarding WWII and a downed civilian airplane. I am currently reading a book on loan that was written by a survivor of Bastogne, and will probably be finished with that this weekend.   

  • My Blog

    Thank You, Thank You!

    You guys and gals have always been a generous and very thoughtful bunch. Whether you check on me through the weeks, stop by my cam room to say hi, or send surprises through the mail to my PO Box, I appreciate each one of you.  This is an over due thank you, and I figure it is better late than not at all, so here it goes.  Stephen, you sent a candle for my birthday, for no reason than just because you wanted to let me know you were thinking about me. Thank you! It is a subtle scent and it fills the home beautifully. And, incidentally, I wear your…

  • My Blog

    Gifts Aplenty!

    Goodness, you guys are always so thoughtful and generous. I just got home from the PO Box and had a seat full of surprises!  Molly, you are a giver, that is for sure. You never think twice about doing something for others; sometimes for a chuckle (Peanuts and Cracker Jacks) and other times it is sincere thoughtfulness. You have supplied me in a summer of reading and I cannot wait to start on the first book – the one that Kayla suggested for me from my twitter post several weeks ago. I am currently reading a book now, but hope to be finished this weekend and will promptly start turning…

  • My Blog

    Something Prolific

    As I sit here trying to come up with something intriguing and worth blogging about, it has occurred to me I should take the time to send out a couple thank you’s.  First, I owe Outlaw a huge apology. Over a month ago I posted a long thread regarding all of the surprises I received over the holiday’s, and I had every intention of solely calling him out in a dedicated thread, however, I kept forgetting. So, here it goes: Outlaw, thank you for the very generous Amazon GC that you sent on Christmas day. During a time spent with friends and family, you were thoughtful enough to not only…

  • My Blog

    Maxi Dress is NOT a Bridesmaid Gown

    Alright, Amazon is really pissing me off with their fucking search engine results and what some shop owners are now tagging their items with. For awhile now it has been impossible to find specific items, such as, pink lingerie, without pages of non-relevant items mixed in.  Now, try searching for maxi dresses (floor length) without pulling up bridesmaid gowns and the like. I am sorry, but a $10 – wear one time on a beach vacation – is NOT a goddamn gown to be worn in a wedding. I do not care how simple and low key that event will be. It is as though stores just want their item…

  • My Blog

    Gifts Out of the Wazoo!

    Goodness you guys always amaze me at your thoughtfulness and generosity. I have so many thank you’s to write out, and instead of posting one per day, for the next two weeks, allow me to consolidate into one.  These are in no particular order. Camster: I love the striped socks and the babydoll negligee you sent a couple weeks ago. It is sexy and cute, all at once! I have already made a new video, while wearing the nightie and hope you will enjoy it when it is released. To give you a hint- it involves my feet and a realistic dildo. *wink* – I plan to take a set…

  • My Blog

    Packages Galore!

    Goodness, you guys are generous and always so thoughtful!  I am further from the PO Box than I used to be, which means I am only able to check the mail every other week, to two weeks. Yesterday was a planned excursion into Twin Falls, and I had so many packages that I had to make a couple of trips to the car. It is amazing how good you all have been to me, and continue to be. Thank you! I have sent you all individual notes, but it is customary for a blog post, as well. I usually try to dedicate one post to each giver, however, there were…