• My Blog

    Thank You, Reg

    I wanted to thank you for your generous package that I picked up at the PO Box this week – 8 new pairs of sexy panties and a dress. I cannot wait to wear them for you. PS: I have no idea why the image is distorted now, but I’ve tried everything to fix it and, well, I can’t figure it out… the models hips are not as disproportionate as it appears. lol.

  • My Blog

    This is Long Overdue

    Goodness, it seems I am constantly falling short with my thanks you threads. But, it is better late than never, as they say, and hopefully you all agree. Nicster always sends gifts for Thanksgiving, since he knows I have a dislike for the Christmas holiday. Truthfully, so does he, just so you know. We really are not that different, he and I; but that is neither here, nor there, so on with my thread of thanks! He always asks me what I want, but I always tell him to choose for me. This time, however, I gave him a few options but asked him to choose in the end so…

  • My Blog

    Many Thanks…

    I have received so many packages over the last month and a half, and they all deserve special thanks. You all continue to amaze me with your thoughtful generosity. Whether for my birthday, or just because, each gift is appreciated. First, I should give a big shout out to BD, for the goody box you sent a couple of months ago. I apologize for not posting a message on my blog until now. However, some of your treats were used in my latest batch of Chex Mix, which was taken on our trip. I also grabbed a handful of the peanut butter crackers. I enjoyed every bite! Nicster, I love…

  • My Blog

    A Book, A Plethora of Socks and a Negligee

    That sounds like a kinky party, and one that I am looking forward to attending! Nicster, thank you for always being generous and thoughtful in your gifts. Your book arrived at a great time because I am in between books and I have been wanting to read “Murder at Fenway Park”. I love fiction based on non-fiction because it is a story that pulls you in and shares history with you at the same time. The socks are a bundle of ankle socks that are more argyles and if you know me at all you know that I am over the moon excited about that! The lingerie is sexy and…

  • My Blog

    Fuzzy Slippers are Good For the Soles!

    I had a surprise package show up to my front door awhile back and it was from MtnMan, which  happens to also be his front door. But, that is besides the point, this package was for me and inside was a pair of nice, fuzzy slippers that could be worn in public, but I choose to treat them as house slippers and they do my feet good! Sometimes I even wear them outside when I give Abby her daily brushing and they keep my feet warm when it is snowing! That was way more information than any of you needed, or probably even wanted, but seriously, these slippers are good…

  • My Blog

    Home Cook

    I never knew I would find joy in cooking, but here I am, cooking and always looking for new recipes and different foods to try. Last month I received a new cookbook, thanks to Michael, and I cannot wait to try my hand at some non-crockpot dishes. With that said, I wonder if some of the casseroles and oven bakes would turn out in the slow cooker. I have yet to put any of the recipe’s from this cookbook to the test though because I find myself busy right now, with not much time to spend in the kitchen. Michael, thank you so much for being so thoughtful and generous…

  • My Blog

    Argyles, Argyles, Argyles . . .

    . . . is there such a thing as too many argyles? The answer is no, no there is not! There is just something about argyles that make my toes happy! So, needless to say, I was quite excited to open a surprise package from Bubba to find over-the-knee argyles!!! They have a splash of red, which makes them different than all of my other pairs of diamond patterned socks! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now the problem I have is trying not to wear them once a week because as soon as they are washed and back in the drawer, I am wanting to slip into them for…

  • My Blog

    Always a Thoughtful One

    Molly, Thank you so much for always being thoughtful, kind and generous. It does not matter what your days are like, you always think of others first, whether it be your wit, kindness or thoughtfulness. You are a sweet, sweet lady!  Thank you for the soup, crackers, Victoria’s Secret coupons and the picture you sent off of my wishlist. I think I already know where it will be hung.   

  • My Blog

    Book Shelf

    Goodness, you guys have really have restocked my bookshelves. I have enough books to keep me reading for a few months, thank you!  Nick, I just received another book from you, and I just now realized I never “officially” thanked you for the first one! I look forward to reading them both, but the one I just picked up will be my next read. It is one that Dwwindsor suggested regarding WWII and a downed civilian airplane. I am currently reading a book on loan that was written by a survivor of Bastogne, and will probably be finished with that this weekend.   

  • My Blog

    Thank You, Thank You!

    You guys and gals have always been a generous and very thoughtful bunch. Whether you check on me through the weeks, stop by my cam room to say hi, or send surprises through the mail to my PO Box, I appreciate each one of you.  This is an over due thank you, and I figure it is better late than not at all, so here it goes.  Stephen, you sent a candle for my birthday, for no reason than just because you wanted to let me know you were thinking about me. Thank you! It is a subtle scent and it fills the home beautifully. And, incidentally, I wear your…