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    Holy Smokes. What.

        I stopped by the PO Box on Friday and was surprised with a box full of gifts! There was a dress and a pair of beautiful heels, not even on my wish list, and then there were several costumes from my list, for October cam shows! All of the gifts are from WLTNBN. You are always generous with surprises and gifts. Thank you! I cannot wait to wear the costumes, but especially the dress! October is going to be a fun month of costumes. I’m not certain that it will be four weeks of costume changes and shenanigans, but it will definitely be at least two weeks!  

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    During my first girlfriend’s weekend, I was informed that Yellow Box flip flops were the best and to buy them. So I did! They are amazing and so comfortable! I’d never heard of them, but I’m also guilty of not paying attention to such things. When Dawn Marie was here for the June party, she also had Yellow Box flip flops and so it was an entire weekend of #yellowbox talk! lol. I suddenly realized that maybe they knew something I didn’t, and I was right! Rodney sent a pair and they are fun, not boring like my original pair. I tend to go with solids more often than not…

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    So Generous!

    Rodney, you continue to shower me with gifts, and your generosity is very much appreciated! I sometimes fall short on posting a public thank you, but I do hope that you know how much each gift means to me. The latest are two items I cannot wait to wear. The shoes will be a pair I wear a lot this summer, and the shirt is something I’m adding to my cam closet. Both are beautiful and I cannot wait to show them off for you.

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    Not the Cat

    I love elephants and I love bracelets, so when I found a bracelet with an elephant charm on it, I had to add it to the list! I normally wear silver, but the only option was a gold. I think it’s going to look great with my silver bangles because it’ll really stand out then! I will wear this often, and will think of you each time! Thank you, Tony… not the cat.

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    Turquoise Silk

    A couple of you asked me to update the wishlist and I’ve had a hard time finding something I need. That’s because you guys have been so generous over the last couple years, that I really don’t have anything I need… so, I found a few items I just want, including socks. lol. Someone suggested something turquoise and a few hours later I believe it was ordered because two days later it was in my PO Box waiting for me. Rodney, you are one generous fella. Thank you! I cannot wait to wear this for a set of pictures, and definitely for many, many cam shows. I hope that you’ll…

  • My Blog

    You Can Unwrap Me…

    I want you to unwrap me everyday, not just during the holiday’s! This lingerie set is going to be one of my favorites to wear, not just on the site, but during cam shows. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I already have. It fits perfectly, and it has a cute bow! One you cannot mess up. It’s sewed into the fabric just as you see it, which is awesome!!! I hate when the bow won’t stay tied! It’s very annoying, but this one is not. lol. Thank you, Jer, you’re also thoughtful! I hope you’ll enjoy the quick update today, in honor of “The Twelve Days of…

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    Cleaning Up After the Holiday’s

    It seems that most of us are ready to take the tree down just as soon as the gifts are open on the 25th, but we probably wait until the next day. I considered taking mine down last week, but Devil’s reaction told me that was a Grinch move. So, alas, I’ve patiently waited… and waited… and fantasized about having my studio back in shape. Today we should take the tree down, together. All of us. Together. United we stand! Grinch or not, it’s time. I’ll be almost naked, wearing only socks and this amazingly fun Santa hat that Nick sent me. Actually, he gifted them both and I’ll definitely…

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    Happy Holiday’s, Santa!!!

    No matter what your beliefs are, most celebrate today, and for that, I’d like to wish you all a very happy Holiday, and the best of luck for the new year ahead. We are low key today, with the exception of going to my sister-in-laws house. Some years it’s a quick visit, drop off gifts, and head home. Other times it’s an all afternoon and into the evening event. No matter what it is you choose to do today, I hope it’s what YOU want to do, because you really do matter! Enjoy today for what it is, not what society tells you it should be. If it’s sitting at…

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    Socks and More!

    Oh, I have socks-o-plenty, and MtnMan just sent me another box full of fuzzy, feel good, soft socks with wild colors and fun patterns! They were not even on my wishlist, he just picked them out, and they are beautifully perfect! Happy Feet! There was even a bonus pair from the company to say thanks for the order…. so, I received a bonus pair to his already amazing thoughtfulness! That pair isn’t, of course, as awesome as those he picked out, but they’re argyle pink, and you can never go wrong with either of those! I love pink and argyle’s are fun! They practically go with everything, just ask most…

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    A Random Surprise Always Makes Me Smile!

    Jer, I owe you a huge apology! You sent two surprises last month, and with everything I had going on, I let my blog slip. When I stopped by the PO, it was just to clear out the junk mail that gathers over the weeks. Imagine my surprise when I had two boxes from you! I’ve already worn one of those, a couple times, but I haven’t worn the second one yet. I want to wait until I know when you’ll be online… or else, it won’t be as special. Thank you for being so thoughtful!