• My Blog

    A Sweet Surprise w/ a Funny Message

    I stopped by the PO Box Saturday night and was surprised by several boxes filled with gifts from you guys. I’m always amazed at the generosity  you all have shown me. Today I’d like to thank Dustin, who has a huge sense of humor! Rest assured, the package did make it to me, and didn’t slip into the abyss known as the Amazon. There will be no monkey’s wearing this: I know you’re out of town right now, and you might not be back for awhile. Let me know when you’ll make another member’s show and I’ll wear this for you. *wink* Thank you for being so thoughtful and good…

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    The Twenty-Five Days of “Christmas”

    MtnMan1975 has an awesome idea regarding December. It would be great fun to celebrate the twenty-five days of Christmas, and well, you know how much I love this particular holiday… I thought what a great way to share the spirit! I have a few holiday outfits, along with red and white tops, but have added a few items to my wishlist… If you find something you’d like me to wear, but it isn’t on my list, send me a link or mail the item to: LSA P.O. Box 92121 Austin, TX 78709-2121 This is in no way asking you to send gifts, but I’ve been asked to update the list…

  • My Blog

    Short Shorts and Classy Heels!

    I have one pair of shorts, which is stupid considering I live in Texas. I usually wear dresses or skirts, so it does make some sense, but when sometimes shorts are a better fit, depending on what’s going on. It also should be noted that the pair of shorts has a huge rip in the front, near the button zipper. I’ve sewn the rip, patched it, patched it AND sewn it…. it continues to tear open. I’ve been doing this for two years now, which means it’s time to give it up. LOL. A few weeks ago I found a pair of shorts on Amazon and thought they’d be a…

  • My Blog

    A Little Red Dress

    Nick has been absent of member shows, and quiet on Twitter, but he’s still so thoughtful and giving. He always remembers special days and makes the time to wish me the best. I hope you all know how much that means to me. I stopped by the PO Tuesday night and had bundles of packages! You guys just amaze me at how generous and thoughtful you continue to be. This time Nick sent a gorgeous red dress! One I’ve been wanting for awhile now, and can’t wait to wear it! In fact, I’m wearing it tonight when we go out to see a couple friends play at a local south…

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    Several Pairs of Panties and a Skirt!

    Rodney, you continue to amaze me with your generosity. We met through the VNA network and you have become one of my fellas. It’s such a great pleasure to see you on Monday’s, and I’m so glad you enjoy my site. You’ve surprised me with several pairs of panties and a skirt. I know I keep saying this, but I cannot wait until summer! You guys have really been incredibly generous and I love wearing the clothes you guys send. I continue to get compliments on each item I wear. Thank you, Rodney!

  • My Blog

    Nick, You Are Something Else

    Nick is the reason I created an amazon wishlist; I’m sure I’ve mentioned that before. He continues to surprise me with gifts, all of which I love! I’ve been wearing the boots almost every day, since it’s been raining and we were hiking. Well, hiking as in searching for a town that was swallowed up by a lake. This is the first time in 75 years that it’s been uncovered and there’s tombstones, old foundations and steps that have been unearthed. The leggings are very sexy, too. The black pair is almost like a thick nylon, which is sexy with a long top. The heather grey leggings are soft cotton…

  • My Blog

    Dresses and Shoes

    Last month I had several surprise packages, all from WLTN. He sent three dresses and a pair of shoes, all just because he loves to surprise me. The dresses are beautiful and will be perfect for the summer heat we’re sure to endure after our extreme temps this winter. I cannot wait to wear the out. They’re a snug fit and beautifully made. He also sent a pair of shoes, which I always need more of. lol. WLTN, thank you so much for always being so thoughtful and generous. I’m so glad you’ve started to spend some time in the chat room, through my site. You’ve been a great addition…

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    Another Shocker

    Outlaw has been with me a very long time; maybe as long as Bubba. He’s sent me gifts over the years, all of which I’ve loved. This year he surprised me with an Amazon Gift Card, which I cannot wait to use. I think I’ve got it narrowed down to shoes or a dress. I thought maybe leggings, but I really want a pair of shoes. You know, I don’t have near enough! I wear them all, so I don’t feel it’s excessive, just yet. Well, I wear almost all of them. Some are not fit to walk in, so I use them just for photo’s, but all others I…

  • My Blog

    Unexpected Gift

    MtnMan75 sent a couple packages to me from my Amazon Wishlist, right around the holiday’s. He gave a couple bundles of socks, which continue to make me smile, and a camouflage set, because he’s a hunter. He even sent the santa outfit, just because he’s generous. A couple days before Christmas I wasn’t feeling well, so I was offline more than usual, and I was certainly dragging. I was signing back into my cam room because I had told several of you that I’d be on and right as I turned my cam on I received an unexpected email. In fact, it was so unexpected that I did a double…