• My Blog

    The Loner

    Predita had three in her original litter, two being George and Gizmo and one was a loner. She never got a name because she was rarely seen, nor did she socialize with the others. With the rest gone, she was the last stray that I needed to catch, but since she was never around, I wasn’t sure how to go about setting a trap. I decided to stop feeding our cats outside for a few days and yesterday I noticed she was sitting a the empty food bowl waiting for me. When I walked up on the deck she ran behind some plants, but didn’t vacate the area. I set…

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    Tyson Found a Surprise

    The other day I heard Tyson barking, but it wasn’t his normal alert that someone, or an unwanted animal, has breached the premises. It was kind of a curious, yet playful bark; the same sound he makes when the squirrels are teasing him. I look out the window and he is popping his head up and down, ears flying and he is happy excited. Dora is just a spectator. I walked outside and I could see something smacking him in the face and he was just happy to be playing, which reassured me it was not a snake. Once I got into the pen I could tell that it was…

  • My Blog

    A Manatee Hug!

    While we were in Mexico I had the opportunity to swim with Manatee’s and it was everything I knew it would be! They are so gentle, sweet and adorable! They have soft bites, fat noses and lovable kisses. One of them grabbed hold of my waist and pulled me off of the platform, which gave me the perfect opportunity to really hug on her. After I made it back to the platform she patiently waited for me to realize I still had the lettuce in my hand and, it turns out, that is all she wanted to begin with. So cute and everything sweet! If you have not read my…

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    Kiko the Giraffe

    This video is just precious and it is worthy of being shared with you! It is amazing how lovable animals can be, even when they are different from one another. Different cultures, different colors and different experiences. Yet, they form a bond that makes them inseparable and friends. There have been so many stories similar to this one, but the bear, tiger and lion friendship comes to mind. We could learn a lot from our animal friends. Kiko the Giraffe and his elephant friends.

  • My Blog

    What a Day!

    I took my time waking up and then enjoyed a few cups of coffee before Bubba arrived. He and Dave were kind enough to drive to the house and go through a few boxes left by Shroom, which was a huge help. After they left I straightened up the house, started laundry and then decided to set up a green house for the winter. Last year I waited until the end of fall, but we had an early cold front that stuck around for a couple weeks. So, it sat in the box. Once it warmed up I was busy and then it was cold, again; it stayed in the…

  • My Blog

    Secret Garden

    When I was a kid, I watched “The Secret Garden” with Mom and fell in love with the beauty created by flowers and plants. I’ve always dreamed of having my own secret garden, but between the deer and our epic drought, it’s been slow going and a little bit frustrating. It’s taken me years to figure out what will survive both, the drought and deer. Those that the deer ate, are now covering my deck in containers and have created a very relaxing oasis. What didn’t survive the drought, will not be replaced. The several vines, bushes and ground covers that have flourished in the yard are what I’m going…

  • My Blog

    Reunited with MeBai!

    MeBai was kidnapped and sold into slavery when she was three years old. She was forced into the tourism industry and worked for another three and a half years before the owners set her free. It wasn’t because they suddenly grew a heart, it was because she became too weak to perform her duties. The workers and volunteers made a 62 miles journey, by foot, to reunite her with her mom. MeBai and Mom It makes me smile to see such love and joy from elephants! I love them!  

  • My Blog

    Be Together. Not the Same.

    Here is the best commercial I’ve seen in a very long time, if not ever! Well, it’s right up their with the Budweiser Clydsdales and the dogs. What I love so much about this one, though, is that each animal pairing are true life BFF’s and it is the most adorable love ever! Be Together. Not the Same.  Here’s the story of the chimp and dog. It is amazing! (watch the first link before this one) The Traveling Chicken 

  • My Blog

    Front Brakes Engaged

    Have you ever forced a pet outside in the pouring rain? I was on cam last night until about 4a, getting to bed around 430 with Tony snuggling between me and Devil, and Tigger in his normal spot, at Devil’s feet. I drifted off to sleep soon after I crawled under the covers and Tigger was smacking me with his paws at 5… only thirty minutes after I got to bed. I stumbled to the front door and he sees that it’s torrential downpours and backs up to let me know he’s reconsidered. Back to bed we go, just for him to be in my face soon after I fell…