• My Blog

    The White Elephant

    A rare white elephant has been found and she’s cute! She has head full of white fuzz and I would love to give her a hug! I hope she hasn’t had to experience life on her own. That would be sad and lonely! She’s the ninth white elephant to be found in Burma, and they regard her as royalty of good luck, which makes me happy to hear! That means she won’t be chained and forced into slavery. That would be, by far, worse than living a lonely life in the wild. The chain on her leg concerns me, though. It’s sometimes a shame that elephants are such gentle souls, or else…

  • My Blog

    Ted E. and His Storied Past

    If you know Dwwindsor, then you know about Ted E. I have decided it’s time to share his story with you today. (lol) Ted E., the cat, once resided in the drug lords lair. Not by choice, but more of circumstance, and certainly not because of privilege. Much to the dismay of popular belief, not all cats rule their roost. Nope, Ted E. was under the roof of terrible means, and he had to be a scrapper, no doubt, just to fend for himself and find the food he needed. Days came and went, seasons passed and then one day he found himself out on the sidewalk. Kicked from the…

  • My Blog

    Let’s Give Her a Name

    Several months ago I posted about the grey kitten that found its way into the Monster’s world. I was hoping she’d move on, but to my dismay she has claimed this as her home. In the beginning she would run for safety any time I walked outside, or she’d stand on a rock, which became her lookout perch, until she was certain no person was on the deck where the food bowl was. It didn’t take her long to start playing with the Monster’s. They don’t mind her one bit, which is when I decided I shouldn’t be bothered feeding another  mouth. If they’ve accepted her, I can, too. She…

  • My Blog

    Tigger a.k.a Sleepy

    Tiggers daily ritual is to wake up at 330a, go outside and gallivant until 830a, then he comes inside to eat. Once he’s full, he sits and watches over the other two, while they eat. They like to pretend they’re starving and they might not have food replenished for days, so they eat a lot. Once everyone has a full tummy, Tigger departs the group to sleep on the book shelf until about 3p, when he gets up to eat. After that, he finds the icebox for his afternoon nap. About 7p he goes outside to do a boundary check. He’s usually outside until I finish my day on cam,…

  • My Blog

    The Polite Elephant

    Cliff sent me a picture of the Polite Elephant on Twitter. She gently stepped over several fences, from different farms, to not destroy any of the properties on her voyage.   Elephants are the most like humans, but I think they’re better than us. They’re such gentle souls, and I’d be shocked if there was an asshole in their gene pool.

  • My Blog

    Milo, No!

    … in other words, “Devil, NO!” The other night I walked onto the porch to find a grey kitten, who couldn’t be older than 8 weeks old. He skidaddled as soon as I walked out. I caught a glimpse of him as he darted for cover under the house. It was raining, so I didn’t see him again until the morning. He has a spot near the hot tub that he sits on, lying in wait, using his natural instincts to decide of the deck is clear of people. I watched him through our living room window. His whole body would shake when he was ready to run for it,…

  • My Blog

    Raju & My Fella’s!

    By now you’ve probably heard the amazing rescue of Raju, the weeping elephant. A couple weeks ago Devil saw the story on FB and sent me the link. I read every article I could find that night. What a sad plight poor Raju experienced in his first 50 years. Finally, people took notice and stepped up and rallied to free him from an abusive owner who forced him to beg for food. Food that was meant for human consumption, not an elephant. The next day Dwwindsor came into my cam room, in a rush, just to send me the link to Raju’s story. A few hours later, Jer sent me…

  • My Blog

    Dwwindsor, You Leave Me no Choice.

    Last Friday you joined the VNALive.com show, giving us all a tour of your cat’s world. Teddy is adorable, which goes without saying, and he moved in without asking. Gotta love him for that! In a recent blog post comment column I mentioned we were all wondering about your sudden departure from a very intellectual conversation. I’m not certain what we were talking about. It was probably boobs, or belly button. Who’s to say, really? However, since you haven’t responded to the comment section of “Don’t Cut Another Person…” I decided to devote an entire thread in search for answers! I’m not the only one that’s curious, by the way.…