• My Blog

    Good Lord, No!

    It seems I have fallen down on my blog! I now have two goals this week. To clean up the sticky notes I have cluttered my laptop screen with, and to blog my ass off! What should I blog about? Is it too late to blog about the historical Friday the 13th we all just experienced? Maybe about Global Warming? Just kidding about that last one. I blame Al Gore. Okay, so if you have any suggestions… any at all… please let me hear them. Until then, here’s a cute picture to ponder over.

  • My Blog

    The Omaha Zoo

    Today we’re off to the Omaha Zoo and I’m so excited! I’ve always enjoyed going to zoo’s, even as a kid. There’s just something about animals that makes any day better. They have stories of their own, and even though they are caged, they give back to society in ways that we never will. They are nature. Many zoos have become a safe refuge for animals who found themselves in the circus, or chained to a tree. I’m not sure what the story of the Omaha Zoo is, but according to their website they are the biggest one in the world. In the world! One thing I have enjoyed about…

  • My Blog

    You Can’t Fuck with Tradition!

    We’ve had the traditional “Roo Song” since 2006, and well, I can’t change that. However, I think we need an elephant song to represent the zoo we will one day have. LOL. So…. do you know of an elephant song? If so, please post the link here. I’d love to have several ideas from you guys. You know, to make this a little interactive again. Once I have several songs, I’ll post another thread so we can all vote on which one should represent. Game?

  • My Blog

    I Want One! Just One!

    I know it’s obvious I have obsessions, and one of my biggest ones would be Elephants, but they’re such precious creatures! They experience like we do, and they get happy and sad and they have friends.. I want to be a friend. lol. I just had to post this picture that Cliff sent me. It made me smile. We’re going to Omaha, NE next month and we’re going to go to the zoo. It’s apparently the biggest one in the world. In THE world! They also claim to be ranked number 1, which has me very excited! I’ve been to the Steve Erwin Zoo in Australia and that one was…

  • My Blog

    Nelson’s Pot

    Nelson pretty much did whatever it is Nelson wanted to do. However, he never jumped on the kitchen counters, drank from the toilet, knocked over glass objects out of spite, or climbed all of the book shelves. He claimed one shelf on my bookcase, which never varied, and one pot in the garden. It was his. This was known. It didn’t matter if there were plants in it, each spring he’d reclaim it. I learned to just give him a fresh dirt bed and he was happy. The Monsters have taken over the house, but the garden they’ve pretty much left alone. *knock on wood* All except one pot, which…

  • My Blog

    An Elephant Shows Empathy

    Awhile back Hedo sent me an article regarding a research study on Elephants and their behavior during stressful times. The study didn’t place the animals in stressful situations, but waited for something to happen naturally, such as, a sudden sound. Other Elephants would either verbally calm the distressed friend, or rub its trunk on him, just to let him know he’s not alone. Isn’t that just precious? I want one. If you’re interested, here’s the full article below, or click this link: Elephants have long had a reputation for good memories. Now, according to a new study from Emory University and Think Elephants International, the giant animals are also pretty good when…

  • My Blog

    What a Handful

    Pharcyd has a bulldog, named Jessie, and she’s a handful, to say the least. Usually she’s out chasing rabbits and digging for treasure. The other day, though, he went outside for a smoke and came back in to find her inside the refrigerator. As frustrating as that would be, I’d love her even more!  

  • My Blog

    Tony, My Hunter

    Out of the three I’d say Tony is mine. He lets me love on him, no matter his mood. He shares my pillow with me, if I’m lucky. Sometimes he pushes my head off the pillow after I fall asleep. He purrs into my ear when I’m waking up. He follows me to the studio and sometimes walks me back to the house at night. He’s my buddy. Tonight I wrangled the other two inside but couldn’t find Tony. Usually he’s underfoot, so I wondered what had gotten into him. After a short while I could hear him moving in the dark and then he came running towards me… with…

  • My Blog

    What a Face!

    OMG! This is adorably cute! He’s so cute that I had to share! This picture just warms my heart! For those of you who tweet me pictures of Elephants, Giraffes, Roo’s and all the other animals I’m obsessed with, thank you! You have no idea how much you brighten my day and make me smile! Thank you!

  • My Blog

    Elephants are Smart!

    This is an article that Devil sent me, and I thought it was worth sharing with you guys. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I did. – Angel    The Science Is In: Elephants Are Even Smarter Than We Realized by Ferris Jabr posted on March 07, 2014 03:57PM GMT We now have solid evidence that elephants are some of the most intelligent, social and empathic animals around—so how can we justify keeping them in captivity? Elephants walking in line in Amboseli national park, south Kenya. Credit: blieusong/Flickr One day in 2010, while taking a stroll in his backyard, Kandula the elephant smelled something scrumptious. The scent pulled…