• My Blog

    Happy August!

    August is, and always has been, my least favorite month. Granted, there are birthday’s throughout the month, and I’m happy for those people, but I hate August. It’s hot, even in the mountains. It’s fucking miserably hot. Just thinking of it makes me sweat! Ack! At any rate, here we are starting a new day, a new month, and that is pretty damn awesome. Before we know it, it will be September, so enjoy each day because it will be the holiday’s soon enough. And, well, even in my new life of happiness, I still am not a holiday person. With that said, I don’t despise the month of December,…

  • My Blog

    August: A Great Month

    August was a great month on my site, with a couple week long specials and a good list of new joins. If you were one that took advantage of the “Hot August Nights”  special that ran the first week of the month, and you have rebilled for September, you need to email me (angel@lonestarangel.com) to collect on your prize. You had to choose between three (3) options and it is only valid if you rebill into September.