• My Blog

    It Is Not What It Appears . . .

    I have always had a healthy appetite. I love food. My parents had a hard time in that I was always hungry, but we were not a house full of snacks. At dinner time I was usually already sitting in my spot before Dad even showed up. I was ready to eat but we never made a plate until Dad had his. It was just the way it was and we also never had a choice in what was going to be for dinner. Mom cooked for Dad and we ate whatever was on the table.  Dad had a serious sweet tooth. He loved his sweets and boy would he…

  • My Blog

    Baklava. Gone.

    I am struggling to get through my day and to make matters worse, the baklava is gone! All gone! The next baklava holiday is not until July 17th, which happens to be Dawn Marie’s birthday. If you are not aware, she loves her some birthday and it is my favorite of all birthday’s!