• My Blog

    Another Trip Around the Sun is Always Worth a Celebration!

    This day was given to me years after we met. YEARS. I’m talking a good decade, or more. Ridiculous, really. Ha! Many know him as “Red”, while others have come to know him as the “International Man of Mystery”. Regardless, of how you’ve come to know this Bigger-Than-Life personality, please join me in celebrating him today. If you’ve a ginger in your life, tip your hat to her, in honor of Red. He’s a thing for the gingers. Happy birthday, Red. Congratulations on another trip around the sun!

  • My Blog

    Today is Worthy of Celebrations!

    You know that I love birthday’s, everyone except for mine, that is, and many years ago Red asked that I make no mention of his. However, that changed several years ago when he talked about it during one of my VNALive hours. Just the fact he mentioned it voided out his request from years prior. So, if you would, please join me in wishing Big Texas Red a very happy birthday! It’s a good day for a birthday and worth of celebrations! He’s heading south to go to a Brazilian Steakhouse, which has turned into a tradition for him and his anniversary of his birthday. Happy birthday, Red- you are…