• My Blog

    I am a Derp

    I had to look that word up, just to make sure I was using it in the correct context. I am. Allow me to elaborate on that- I am a derp AND I am using it in the correct context. Also, allow me to explain that. About 3 weeks ago I received two packages and flowers for my birthday, all of which were thoughtful and made me smile. I typed up a blog post to say my “thank you” and didn’t hit the publish button. I have been wondering why no one commented or mentioned it, but then again, sometimes the posts go unnoticed. Here I am, with a few…

  • My Blog

    Another Birthday, Another Celebration!

    Out of curiosity, I looked back in the blog history to see how many celebrations we have had in MtnMan’s honor, and the first was in 2014. There has been a common denominator in each thread: “you might not think today is a big deal, but you are worth celebrating!” And, nothing has changed in 2019, either. MtnMan still views today as a day like all the others, and I am still wishing him a happy birthday, and telling him that today is a good day for a celebration! The birthday posts have varied over the years, but my wish for you to have a wonderfully happy day, and celebrate…

  • My Blog

    Many Thanks…

    I have received so many packages over the last month and a half, and they all deserve special thanks. You all continue to amaze me with your thoughtful generosity. Whether for my birthday, or just because, each gift is appreciated. First, I should give a big shout out to BD, for the goody box you sent a couple of months ago. I apologize for not posting a message on my blog until now. However, some of your treats were used in my latest batch of Chex Mix, which was taken on our trip. I also grabbed a handful of the peanut butter crackers. I enjoyed every bite! Nicster, I love…

  • My Blog

    Belated Wishes to Someone Special

    Nicster, I know this post is a couple of days late, but it is still made with heartfelt wishes. You have been one of mine for so many years that it is hard to believe we have celebrated your day for over a decade. That is crazy when it is put into perspective like that, and I cherish each one of the years we have spent together. I look back in astonishment that I am still online because it started out as a “hobby” for extra money, but it quickly turned into more. The reason I am putting that into words, in celebration of you, is because you were one…

  • My Blog

    Happy Birthday to One of Mine!

    Ack! Ack! Ack! This was posted on Tuesday, the correct day, but I did not select “Blog”, and instead it was hanging in “uncategorized” limbo, posting to nothing… Bubba, I am sorry! So, here we go… This is a date that has been celebrated through my site for ten years now. That is just crazy! But, here we are, a decade later and still celebrating someone who deserves to be recognized and appreciated. Thank you, Bubba, for giving me your day to exploit. Whether in person, or from afar, I hope that you know how much you matter. So, on this day, have yourself an amazing celebration of you! I…

  • My Blog

    You Are Worth Celebrating!

    Happy birthday Cliff! I hope that today was a good day for you, and that you took some time for you, and no one else. You have been one of my fella’s for many, many years and it is amazing to have another birthday to experience with you. Thank you! I want you to have an amazing day every day, but especially today; it is your day!

  • My Blog

    An Ode to Outlaw

    Outlaw,  I had no intentions of missing your birthday, but as we were driving through west Texas I realized I had done just that. Without cell reception I could not even tweet, much less send out word to the fella’s and ladies that it was your special day: the anniversary of your birth. I do believe that you were one of my first member’s, meaning you and I have known each other for over then years now. We have lived a decade together and that is something special all in itself, if you ask me. You have followed me from one website to another and stuck with me while I…

  • My Blog

    Zany, Happy Birthday!!!

    Zany, I had no idea that you would soon become part of the group when you first joined my show on VNA. It wasn’t long before my fella’s were bantering back and forth with you, swooning over you as much as me. lol. Thank you for sharing your life with thelonestarangel community. You are a welcomed treat and I hope that you have an amazingly beautiful day, filled with everything you hope it to be. You deserve nothing but happiness filled with good energy and sunshine. XO

  • My Blog

    OMG! You Too?

    So, it seems Dwwindsor wants his own day, right after WLTNBN. LOL. Actually, I get the feeling neither of them feel their birthday’s are celebratory, and I strongly disagree, times two! It’s your one day to eat, be merry and have a drink, in honor of YOU! Not only that, everyone else, friends and strangers alike, will toast to your birthday. Besides Thanksgiving, birthday’s are the next best day! Not just mine, yours and everyone else that has one! They fall on different days; you see, that is why they are special! Let us all wish Dwwindsor a very happy birthday and a wonderful tomorrow, because he should prolong the…

  • My Blog

    Let’s Get Our Drink On!!

    Next Wednesday, the 21st, is Lefty’s birthday and I will be online to celebrate! Let’s come together and wish him nothing but the very best on his day! This will be a drinking night, but if you’re not a drinker, no worries! You do not have to be drunk to enjoy this celebration! Plus, someone has to be the responsible one, or else we’d be left without a designated driver! I’ll be drinking and will be on for several hours… Let’s make it a tradition! White Russians or Cranberry Vodka? Hmmm.. decisions. I think this goes without saying, but if you’re a member of my site, you will have access…