• My Blog

    Short Shorts and Classy Heels!

    I have one pair of shorts, which is stupid considering I live in Texas. I usually wear dresses or skirts, so it does make some sense, but when sometimes shorts are a better fit, depending on what’s going on. It also should be noted that the pair of shorts has a huge rip in the front, near the button zipper. I’ve sewn the rip, patched it, patched it AND sewn it…. it continues to tear open. I’ve been doing this for two years now, which means it’s time to give it up. LOL. A few weeks ago I found a pair of shorts on Amazon and thought they’d be a…

  • My Blog

    A Successful Party

    Our annual birthday party was another success. This was the fifth year, and there are no plans of stopping there. We planned the first one on a whim, thanks to Devil, and had so much fun we had to have a second one, making it an annual event. This year was the biggest yet, with more members than in the past. There was Cliff, Bubba and Hedo, all of which were celebrating birthday’s and Red who joined us last year. New to event was Lefty, who picked up Dwwindsor on the way, and Jer who drove in from east Texas. Along with the group, were also our closest friends who…