• My Blog

    Tonight – Thursday Night

    Dawn Marie and Rob fly out today at 7p, which means I will not be online tonight. However, I will be back soon and your schedule will be mine, once again! lol. So, tonight will happen Thursday night. I hope you all are having a great week, so far, and that we’ll catch up soonish! You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Don’t forget when you see me next time, that I did you a favor. haha.

  • My Blog

    No VNA Tonight

    I’m sorry guys, I’m rescheduling another VNA show, just two weeks after the last time… Instead of tonight, I’ll be doing the VNA show Friday night at 11p EST. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you a couple times before then, just to ensure you don’t forget your schedule this week. LOL.

  • My Blog

    Good News!

    With all of the recent backlash that Streamate has had to endure, thanks to social media platforms and their policy to ignore all issues, they’ve finally admitted their system was problematic. Although, they claim it was only over the last few days, not since June 10th, they are giving a bonus, which starts tonight (Aug 20th) at 8p EST. My plan is to hit SM hard starting tonight at 8p EST through next Wednesday at 8p EST. I’ll be online as early in the afternoon as I can muster, but the nights will be late and well into the early mornings. There are many of you that join through my…

  • My Blog

    VNA Tonight!

    This is a reminder for those of you who are member’s of my site. I’m doing a 1 hour LIVE member’s show at 11p EST on the VNA network. If you’re new to the site, you will find the VNA banner on the club page. You click through 3 banners and will find the chat room. It’s a great group of fella’s that join in and they’re always welcoming to the newcomers. I hope to see you there! XO

  • My Blog

    Bonus Thursday 11p EST

    We’ve implemented a Bonus Thursday for over a year now, thanks to Lefty, but the 8p EST doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried to make adjustments to my schedule but still cannot seem to hit that time slot every week. After much thought and discussion, I’ve decided to make it much later. The reason is the Mon/Tues shows are set for 8p EST, but not everyone can make those. With Thursday being an added bonus, it makes sense to push it later into the night to make things different… and because I’m almost always online later. So, starting tonight the Bonus Thursday will be at 11p EST and will run…

  • My Blog

    Another Spontaneous Member Show. TONIGHT.

    Last night was fun and Lefty was such a gracious sport! Thank you, first of all, for letting all of us come together just to exploit your “just another day” day! After you left, those remaining were still trying to find someone who has a birthday on the 22nd and the best they could do was Cliff’s mention of so-and-so… who has been dead for 20 years. LOL. At any rate, I was in an agreeable mood and there’s really no reason not to do another… so, we’re having a repeat of last night tonight at the same time. Friday, May 22nd at 12 midnight EST.

  • My Blog

    Do You DP?

    A cam show conversation that literally made me laugh out loud! Him: DP Me: I don’t do DP Him: Do DP, baby. Me: Yeah, I don’t do DP, baby. Him: Double Penetration Me: Thank you, I was wondering what you were asking for. I don’t do double penetration. Him: Grab another toy. You’ll enjoy two at once. Me: In the same hole or in two separate holes? Him: Both. Me; I don’t do either. Him: Huh? Me: Yeah. Him: I don’t understand. Me: Which part? That I don’t do DP, double penetration or all of the above? Him: I’m so confused. Me: Just stroke your cock. It will be okay.…

  • My Blog

    Your Schedule with Update

    I’ve been offline for the last three days, which wasn’t planned, and I’ll be out of town this next weekend. What that means for you, and for me, is that this is going to be a very busy week! lol. Not only do I have to find time to mow and keep the house clean, but I’ll be cramming two weeks worth of cam time into just 4.5 days. Okay, maybe not two weeks, but damn near close to it. Monday is just about over, but I’ve been online since 1 – ish and I’m about to do the VNA show, then will take a dinner break and be back…

  • My Blog


    Last week I had a bundle of new guys join my site after someone “googled” my name during a Streamate Gold Show countdown. It was unexpected and very much appreciated! I just wanted to send out a warm welcome to those who are new to my site. Thank you for joining mine, when there are plenty of others to choose from. In the event you haven’t noticed, I do offer over two hours of LIVE cam shows each week with your join. Monday’s I’m on VNA LIve at 8p EST. You find the banner on my CLUB Page. It’s directly underneath the latest update thumbnails. For security reasons, you have…