• My Blog

    Cam Shows Broadcasting on the T.V.

    For those who join me online at lonestarangel.cammodels.com you know about the gold shows. Most are aware that the cam site has been working with a TV network to broadcast gold shows on cable TV. I’m not sure of the details, but to do a TV show, a producer has to send you a request. The radio must be turned off, the Superman shirt is illegal, and now my pink lamp is against their rules. So, I have to do the show in silence, change my copyrighted shirt and turn the lamp off.. basically, have no personality. LOL. Anyway, that’s not why I’m blogging about the TV Shows. A month…

  • My Blog

    Dwwindsor, You Leave Me no Choice.

    Last Friday you joined the VNALive.com show, giving us all a tour of your cat’s world. Teddy is adorable, which goes without saying, and he moved in without asking. Gotta love him for that! In a recent blog post comment column I mentioned we were all wondering about your sudden departure from a very intellectual conversation. I’m not certain what we were talking about. It was probably boobs, or belly button. Who’s to say, really? However, since you haven’t responded to the comment section of “Don’t Cut Another Person…” I decided to devote an entire thread in search for answers! I’m not the only one that’s curious, by the way.…

  • My Blog

    Are You Ready?

    I love my online world, or else, I couldn’t do it. I’ve come to really enjoy my days and I look froward to catching up with my fella’s. Without you guys, it would be incredibly boring! I don’t expect, or even require, you guys to go private or give gold. The company you guys give me is priceless! You guys also give me patience. Patience with those who go out of their way to push my buttons. Here’s one guy that tries my patience each day that I see him. I’d say each time, but when I do see him, it’s all fucking day long, and it is always the…

  • My Blog

    Don’t Forget!

    This is just a reminder, in the event you remember to read my blog. lol. There will be no show tonight, but it will be rescheduled for this coming Friday at 9p EST …. it’s Friday the 13th. SPOOKY. lol   ****Change in plans, just slightly. Instead of 9p EST, I need it to be 11p EST. I’m sorry. Devil isn’t used to me doing Friday member shows and he committed us to a live music happy hour that our friends are putting on… so, in order to make that and keep my weekly VNA commitment I really need to push it back a couple hours… *****

  • My Blog

    Let’s Get Our Drink On!!

    Next Wednesday, the 21st, is Lefty’s birthday and I will be online to celebrate! Let’s come together and wish him nothing but the very best on his day! This will be a drinking night, but if you’re not a drinker, no worries! You do not have to be drunk to enjoy this celebration! Plus, someone has to be the responsible one, or else we’d be left without a designated driver! I’ll be drinking and will be on for several hours… Let’s make it a tradition! White Russians or Cranberry Vodka? Hmmm.. decisions. I think this goes without saying, but if you’re a member of my site, you will have access…

  • My Blog

    Change: Sunday VNA Show

    I found out late yesterday afternoon that we have to attend a party tomorrow from 4p EST – 7p EST, which is the time I’m scheduled to do the VNA Show. I would get out of it, however, it’s not an option. So…. I’ve talked to Vicky and she’s switched me to a later time slot. That lady rocks! Join me Sunday, April 27, at 10p EST for a late night romp! I know some of you won’t be able to make it, with it being a work night, and I’m sorry for that. *hugs*