• My Blog

    My Favorite Month of Celebrations!

    Today we say goodbye to June and tomorrow we welcome in July with four weeks of birthdays and good vibes! July has, for a long time, been my favorite month of anniversaries to enjoy and all the reasons to celebrate! Some, have reluctantly given me “their days”, while others gladly handed them over. Thank you one and all; I love everyone else’s birthday! We have MtnMan, the House Boss (who in her own right is famous), Rodney, Abby (dubbed our favorite Golden), HmFast, Earnie, and closing out the month is Kevin (Kevin! KEVIN! K E V I N!). It’s a full month of happy times with another trip around the…

  • My Blog

    Happy First Day of My Favorite Month!

    It is November and boy, has this year gone fast. There were days when I thought felt like I was in limbo and could not see the forest through the trees, but here we are, beginning the eleventh month of 2018. This is my absolute favorite month, and I am so looking forward to the holiday’s this year, for the first time in many, many years. I already know that this news of me embracing the holiday’s might come as a shock to many, and even a disappointment to a few. I admit, I made a great grinch and I wore that hat with obnoxious pride. I cannot deny it…

  • My Blog


    President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, to become effective on January 1st, of the following year. He declared all slaves would be free, and no longer owned by another person. However, it had very little effect in the Confederate States, including Texas. General Gordon Granger and 2,000 troops arrived on the island of Galveston, TX on June 18th, 1865 to take custody of the state, and to emancipate all slaves. On June 19th he stood on the balcony of Ashton Villa and read this: The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves…