• My Blog

    Saturday Plans

    Whew! Today is busy from the time I open my eyeballs, until I go to sleep tonight. I am going into town to get my nails done and in order to do that without wasting 4 hours waiting, I must be standing outside the salon before they unlock the doors. That could be anywhere from 830-930, so I will be there at 845 and hope for the best! From there I am going to do a quick stop at my favorite antique store to see if they still have a dresser I spotted a couple weeks ago, and then to the grocery store. Once I am home, and hopefully that…

  • My Blog

    A Well Deserved Rant

    This is a rant, and I must say it is fucking well deserved.  This afternoon I was perusing my Twitter timeline when I saw a post by another lady that is on my same network. She, or her husband, I honestly don’t know that she is even involved, other than a video here and there. But, that is neither here, nor there. You know why? Because that is how they choose to run her site, and quiet honestly, it is none of my business. I think it is crappy, but who am I to fucking blast that online when it does not effect my site, or how I choose to…