• My Blog

    My Favorite Day to Exploit: Bubba’s Birthday

    Really, as I’ve been corrected a few times over the years, it is the anniversary of the birth of Bubba, but all the same, Happy Birthday, Bubba! Although the annual birthday bashes ended in 2016, today is still my most favorite of days! It’s the sole reason for the very first bash in 2010, creating many memories, good laughs and making great friends. It is a reason to continue to enjoy today for no other reason than it is Bubba’s day! Bubba, I hope that no matter what it is you choose to do today, that you enjoy the day for no other reason than it is a good day…

  • My Blog

    Happy Birthday to One of Mine!

    Ack! Ack! Ack! This was posted on Tuesday, the correct day, but I did not select “Blog”, and instead it was hanging in “uncategorized” limbo, posting to nothing… Bubba, I am sorry! So, here we go… This is a date that has been celebrated through my site for ten years now. That is just crazy! But, here we are, a decade later and still celebrating someone who deserves to be recognized and appreciated. Thank you, Bubba, for giving me your day to exploit. Whether in person, or from afar, I hope that you know how much you matter. So, on this day, have yourself an amazing celebration of you! I…