• My Blog

    Beginning to End

    There are a lot of reasons to celebrate in the month of July, making this my favorite month of the year! It starts with a birthday and ends with a divorce. LOL. We start by celebrating (much to his chagrin) MtnMan, then Dawn’s birthday on the 17th (which should be a world holiday), followed with Abigail’s first anniversary of her birth on the 21st, on the 24th we celebrate hmfast, and, we close out the month with the 31st marking 1 year of divorce for me. With all of that in the month of July, no one can deny the reason for so much joy and celebrations! So, who is…

  • My Blog

    Summer Heat, Bright Future

    It sounds as though this has been an extreme summer for most people, all over the world. Hell, Europe has been dry, which is rare, and they have seen high temps like much of the US. Africa had a record 124 degree day and even Alaska has been unusually warm in 2018.  As much as I hate the Texas summers, I will be in Austin next week dealing with humidity and 100+ degree temps. Ack! However, as much as that sounds like it will be a terrible week, it will not be. I hope to be one step closer to being divorced, and while there I will see Bo, Jo…