Fucking DST
Yes, I’m on that soap box, again, but seriously, we have no use for daylight savings time! It was not thought up to help the farmers, it was a way to save energy when the light bulb was invented! Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but the point is, there’s no need for us to honor daylight savings time. Maybe I should lobby against this stupid idea! Anyway, this is a friendly reminder to spring your fucking clocks ahead one hour, unless you’re lucky enough to live in Arizona or Indianapolis, then you can just kiss my ass. lol. Just kidding. I’m not hostile towards you… yet. lol
A Stormy Cleansing
I love rain storms, no matter the severity of them. Sure, some are tragic and some are disappointing, but mother nature is a beautiful creature. This past week we had several inches of rain, which was greatly needed. We were in the onset of a drought and the rains revitalized the trees, ground and gave a good boost to the wildflowers. I loved walking outside this morning, with the deck covered in wet leaves and water dripping from plants and tree limbs. It cleans off the old, dusty days of the past and gets us ready for the future. It is breathtaking to smell the clean air while listening to…
No Naps EVER
I don’t take naps. Not because I don’t want to, but because it will take me the rest of the day to recover. I’ll wake up more exhausted, grumpy and most likely angry at anyone I come into contact with. I’ve always been like this. It is nothing new. I wish I could power nap, or rest my eyes to refresh myself. I can’t, so I don’t. This entire week I’ve been up early and on the go until I say “g’night” to you guys online. This afternoon Devil goes to take a nap and frowned when I said I’ll be in the living room. I have NEVER taken naps,…
Weekend Outlook
I have been sitting in front of a blank screen for awhile now, trying to think of something fun and interesting to share with you. The truth is, I have not been able to think of anything because nothing comes to mind, but then I realized it doesn’t have to be about elephants to be amazing. lol. Just kidding, it really does take eles for that to be the case. The week has been crazy busy with Devil’s pneumonia, the rain and other chaos (thrown in for good measure by Devil), but the weekend looks promising. I had planned to spend all day outside, but with all the rain, there…
Just a Reminder
Don’t forget to meet me at 11p EST for an hour fun, via the Streamate banner.
Tuesday Show
G’afternoon! It has been a very busy Monday for me, but it is only 3p and I still have hours ahead of me. That, all in itself, makes me very happy! I need to cancel the member’s show for tomorrow night but will reschedule it for Thursday at 11p EST. This will be via the Streamate banner on my club side. I will see you guys tonight on VNALive – let’s win March! LOL.
Twizzlers and Such, Oh My!
Last week I received a huge box that was fairly heavy and it was addressed to me, but I wasn’t expecting anything. It was a surprise box of nothing but amazingness and awesome goodies! There were ten pounds of Twizzlers, several boxes of Butterfinger Bites and some Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. What?? That is not all, there were also a pair of earrings and an elephant anklet that I cannot wait to wear. What What?? I am not sure what I did to deserve such sweet surprises, but you sure made me smile. Thank you, MtnMan!
Becoming a Parallel Parking Professional!
Dad taught me to drive when I was ten or eleven, and it was a stick shift. The first lesson was to know how to drive in reverse and once I got comfortable with that, we started the driving lesson; I even learned how to drive trailers, but we never covered parallel parking. There really was no need because where are you going to parallel park when you have acres of dirt roads. At any rate, it was the only section of the drivers test that I failed. By the time I finished getting it parallel to the curb, I was about 2 feet from it. lol. The instructor asked me…
Kiko the Giraffe
This video is just precious and it is worthy of being shared with you! It is amazing how lovable animals can be, even when they are different from one another. Different cultures, different colors and different experiences. Yet, they form a bond that makes them inseparable and friends. There have been so many stories similar to this one, but the bear, tiger and lion friendship comes to mind. We could learn a lot from our animal friends. Kiko the Giraffe and his elephant friends.
Thank You! Thank You!
I have more surprises that need to be thanked! I have socks, lingerie and stockings. WOOT! Not only that, but I also have bracelets and bangles. YES! I love them all, and they are so sexy. Nister – thank you for the elephant bracelet; I wear it almost daily, and for the lingerie. Very, very sexy! You are always generous and giving. It means a lot to me! Rodney – You have had a rough start to your year and you still send thoughtful gifts. Thank you for that! I love the bangles and stockings, and will definitely be wearing them often and in updates! The bracelets were in a…