• My Blog

    The Elephant Sanctuary

    The nations largest natural habitat for elephants is in Tennessee, and they do amazing things for both Asian and African tuskers. They protect the mammal herd, and give them a safe haven to live out their days making new friends, reconnecting with old ones and exploring the habitat. In order to maintain the sanctuary as a true habitat for elephants, it is not open to the public. They have just welcomed their 25th elephant, named Hadari, a 33 year old African. Because Africans do not get along with the Asians, they have separate areas to call their own. She is joining Flora and Tange, who will, no doubt, love her…

  • My Blog

    Hypothetical Question

    I’m going to set the scene for you, and then I’ll ask you a question. The entire “STORY” is hypothetical, so please keep that in mind. You are stationed on a base, somewhere in the Afghanistan desert. It’s miserably hot, even at night. The temps are still soaring well into the triple digits and it’s windy, causing random dust storms. When the dust is calm, there is no wind and it’s hot, stagnant air that is stifling. You are military, so they own you 24/7, and you never know when your next day off will come. They have restrictions on phone calls and internet surfing. The question is, hypothetical, of…

  • My Blog


    The May rains washed away a lot of our grass that is around the studio, and near the deck, which has caused dust storms each time the wind blows. I thought I’d pick up a bag of seeds at Home Depot, spread them about and water the ground, restoring the grass. I started watering last Friday, using a sprinkler for 20 minutes each night. The grass that was left behind is green, but the seeds are not popping up wild blades of grass. I’m trying to be patient, but according to the bag it says the seeds will produce grass within 3-5 days, and it has been seven. Also, I have…

  • My Blog

    Closet Purging!

    The closet in my studio has gotten out of hand. I cannot close most of my drawers, my jewelry is running amok and I have bags of socks, drawers over flowing with them, and a basket full of happy, colorful, foot warming socks! I pulled out the two dressers, because if I’m going to do it, I might as well clean while I’m at it, and it’s a good thing I did! I found a pair of socks behind the dressers and it’s not just an average pair. NO! It’s a pair of – black and grey with a red heart above two elephants hugging it out – socks. I would have,…

  • My Blog

    What a Day!

    I took my time waking up and then enjoyed a few cups of coffee before Bubba arrived. He and Dave were kind enough to drive to the house and go through a few boxes left by Shroom, which was a huge help. After they left I straightened up the house, started laundry and then decided to set up a green house for the winter. Last year I waited until the end of fall, but we had an early cold front that stuck around for a couple weeks. So, it sat in the box. Once it warmed up I was busy and then it was cold, again; it stayed in the…

  • My Blog

    OMG! You Too?

    So, it seems Dwwindsor wants his own day, right after WLTNBN. LOL. Actually, I get the feeling neither of them feel their birthday’s are celebratory, and I strongly disagree, times two! It’s your one day to eat, be merry and have a drink, in honor of YOU! Not only that, everyone else, friends and strangers alike, will toast to your birthday. Besides Thanksgiving, birthday’s are the next best day! Not just mine, yours and everyone else that has one! They fall on different days; you see, that is why they are special! Let us all wish Dwwindsor a very happy birthday and a wonderful tomorrow, because he should prolong the…