Sluts and Swag
Some assume that any lady with a site, or those who cam, are sluts. I mean, we obviously have a lot of sexual energy and we enjoy sharing with others. It goes without saying that we’re all sluts. LOL. That’s not the point of my post, though. I hear men talk about women all the time that makes me question the male population. Okay, that might be harsh, but seriously, hear me out. If a lady goes out and has a good time with her girlfriends, and hooks up with a guy, she’s a slut. The guy, however, he just has swag. Good on him! The chick isn’t worth dating,…
Kevin, it’s Your Birthday!!!
Kevin! You’ve been absent for awhile, but it doesn’t mean you’re not thought about on a regular basis.. I hope that you’re doing well and that you have an amazing day! You deserve it! Please know that you’re missed and we’re all wishing you the best! Happy Birthday, Kevin!
Tigger a.k.a Sleepy
Tiggers daily ritual is to wake up at 330a, go outside and gallivant until 830a, then he comes inside to eat. Once he’s full, he sits and watches over the other two, while they eat. They like to pretend they’re starving and they might not have food replenished for days, so they eat a lot. Once everyone has a full tummy, Tigger departs the group to sleep on the book shelf until about 3p, when he gets up to eat. After that, he finds the icebox for his afternoon nap. About 7p he goes outside to do a boundary check. He’s usually outside until I finish my day on cam,…
Reminder: Sunday VNA Show
This is just a reminder that we’re coming up on the last Sunday of the month, which means I’ll be on VNALive.com at 4p EST this Sunday. I’d love for you to join me for Sunday Funday. Let’s catch up and enjoy the rest of the weekend together.
The Polite Elephant
Cliff sent me a picture of the Polite Elephant on Twitter. She gently stepped over several fences, from different farms, to not destroy any of the properties on her voyage. Elephants are the most like humans, but I think they’re better than us. They’re such gentle souls, and I’d be shocked if there was an asshole in their gene pool.
Milo, No!
… in other words, “Devil, NO!” The other night I walked onto the porch to find a grey kitten, who couldn’t be older than 8 weeks old. He skidaddled as soon as I walked out. I caught a glimpse of him as he darted for cover under the house. It was raining, so I didn’t see him again until the morning. He has a spot near the hot tub that he sits on, lying in wait, using his natural instincts to decide of the deck is clear of people. I watched him through our living room window. His whole body would shake when he was ready to run for it,…
It Takes a Village
I normally don’t post chain-type-letters but this one tugged at my heart strings. A five year old boy was diagnosed with an incurable cancer in October. His birthday is on July 25th and his only wish is to receive a box of cards addressed to him. Here’s his full story. Imagine if our group sent him cards, and your office pools together so that each of your co-workers send him cards. The effect could reach thousands. It just takes one group, like ours, to start the movement.
STUPID question of the Day
Do you give head in real life, or only on dildos? #youcan’tfixstupid
Drunk Video
Devil had the brilliant idea of filming me one night when I’m getting “my drink on”, but would like to ask me questions, instead of just watching me rant. LOL. That’s where you come into it at. He has asked that I tell you fella’s about this, requesting that you send him your questions. He does not want me to see them prior to asking me…. that might be dangerous, but whatever. If you want to remain anonymous, you must mention that in the tweet or email.. His Twitter handle: @AngelsDevil Email: angelsdevil@lonestarangel.net
Raju & My Fella’s!
By now you’ve probably heard the amazing rescue of Raju, the weeping elephant. A couple weeks ago Devil saw the story on FB and sent me the link. I read every article I could find that night. What a sad plight poor Raju experienced in his first 50 years. Finally, people took notice and stepped up and rallied to free him from an abusive owner who forced him to beg for food. Food that was meant for human consumption, not an elephant. The next day Dwwindsor came into my cam room, in a rush, just to send me the link to Raju’s story. A few hours later, Jer sent me…